Authorization of 7pace Timetracker for monday.com

Authorization of 7pace Timetracker for monday.com

Why do I need to authorize?

7pace Timetracker needs access to your monday.com data so that the time you record can be connected to your monday.com items, which will allow you to get context and insight regarding how you spend your time. We will ask you to grant these rights when you open any screen of 7pace Timetracker for the first time.

Desktop app users!

If you are using the monday.com desktop app, please see the 'Desktop app' section.


Web browser

When you first open 7pace Timetracker, you will be asked to grant access via this screen:

 After you click Grant access, a monday.com dialogue with a list of permissions will appear. Click Authorize to give 7pace the necessary permissions. 

After clicking Authorize, the dialogue will close automatically, and a respective 7pace page will be shown to you. If the dialogue does not close automatically, please try repeating the process before contacting our support.

Can I authorize 7pace in the monday.com desktop app?

Unfortunately, monday.com desktop app does not allow users to grant authorization to marketplace apps.

As a workaround, please authorize 7pace in your web browser first, only then you can proceed with using 7pace in the monday.com desktop app - see the chapter 'Desktop app'. 

Desktop app

The monday.com desktop app does not allow users to grant authorization to marketplace apps.

As a workaround, please follow these steps:

  • log in to monday.com using your web browser,

  • navigate to any page of 7pace Timetracker (Item view, My Time, All Times),

  • follow the instructions to authorize 7pace Timetracker (you can refer to the 'Web browser' chapter of this article),

  • return to the monday.com desktop app and reopen any page of 7pace Timetracker, you should now be authorized to view 7pace screens. If not, please restart the monday.com desktop app. 


In case of any issues with authorizing 7pace Timetracker in monday.com, contact our support center and we will help you.

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