Once Macro Security has been enabled via the add-on's configuration screen, it cannot be disabled or removed simply by uninstalling the add-on. This is to prevent unintentional security exposure. 

This page describes how to properly disable Macro Security. 


  1. Go to the Manage Add-ons admin page.
  2. Expand the Macro Security for Confluence item.
  3. Click Configure to display the add-on's configuration screen.
  4. Deselect the Enable checkbox.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Uninstall the add-on, by clicking Uninstall from the Macro Security for Confluence item on the Manage Add-ons admin page.

  1. Re-install the Macro Security for Confluence add-on.
  2. Follow the steps to disable Macro Security above, including uninstalling the add-on once again.