
Feature description

Sneak peek

Migration (JCMA)

New JCMA migration option

BigPicture can be migrated using one of the following migration options:

  • Choose what to migrate - you have the flexibility to choose what you want to migrate. You can choose users and attachments only or choose all of your data.

  • Migrate all data at once - migrate all data, including apps, in a single migration. This option is only available when no projects exist in your cloud site.

Find out more on the Migration using Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) page.


Not only Jira Admins can import tasks from a file to BigPicture

Box Admins can also import tasks from a file. When the “Permissions for everyone” option is enabled, every logged-in user can import tasks from a file.

To unlock import features, install the BigTemplate App from the Atlassian Marketplace.



BigPicture “Task ID” field is visible in the column view/card view

New native BigPicture field. The “Task ID” field is displayed for Jira issues, basic tasks, and Trello cards.


Feature description

Sneak peek

Migration (JCMA)

New JCMA migration option

BigPicture can be migrated using one of the following migration options:

  • Choose what to migrate - you have the flexibility to choose what you want to migrate. You can choose users and attachments only or choose all of your data.

  • Migrate all data at once - migrate all data, including apps, in a single migration. This option is only available when no projects exist in your cloud site.

Find out more on the Migration using Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) page.


Not only Jira Admins can import tasks from a file to BigPicture

Box Admins can also import tasks from a file. When the “Permissions for everyone” option is enabled, every logged-in user can import tasks from a file.

To unlock import features, install the BigTemplate App from the Atlassian Marketplace.



BigPicture “Task ID” field is visible in the column view/card view

New native BigPicture field. The “Task ID” field is displayed for Jira issues, basic tasks, and Trello cards.

Column view

Save changes in the column view for all users and restore the column view

A Box Admin can make changes in the column view without affecting the Box Editor/Viewer view.

To make changes in the column view visible to Box Editors and Box Viewers, a Box Admin needs to click on the “Save changes for all users” button.

Box Editors and Box Viewers can restore previously changed column views to the ones set by a Box Admin.

After adding or removing columns, a Box Admin can click the “Restore columns” button to return to the initial set. Once changes are saved, the “Restore columns” button becomes inactive.

Changes are applicable to the: