
Using the Board module, you can generate reports at two levels

You can generate separate reports for each team and see the summary for all teams combined in the top row. Click on the Reports button to enable the reporting functionality. Once you do, an additional configuration button will show up right next to it. Use the drop-down menu to change chart settings.

Editing Charts

After generating the chart, you can exclude different categories from it by clicking on the legend.

The example below shows how to filter out the Craftsman Team from the first chart:

Chart Types

Pie Chart

Pie charts show percentage distribution across different categories defined as groups. Hover over a segment of a pie chart to display the details. 

In the example below, you can see we've checked Cameron's capacity, and it's exactly 25% or 10/40 Story points. Again, Cameron's capacity is presented in red to match the colors in the legend.

Bar Chart

Bar charts will adjust the scale depending on the values presented and show data source categories as bars. Hover over the bar to display a tooltip with details.

Data Source

You can select Tasks or Capacities as the data source for your charts. Tasks include additional counting and grouping options listed below.


Generate charts based on the capacities resulting from workload, holiday, and absence plans. Capacity can be expressed using story points or man-days.

The example below shows how you can check if your teams' capacity is increasing over time. As you can see below, the Craftsman Team is losing its capacity. For Iteration 1, it was 55 story points, while for Iteration 2, it's 50 story points. So if you take a closer look at the Craftsman Team, you can see that it's because of Lesley.


Generate charts based on the number of tasks presented on the Board. This option allows further grouping of tasks and counting all available units.
When you select the tasks as a data source, you can group data by:

And count data by the number of:

The example below shows how to create a bar chart using Tasks as the data source, group these tasks by the Assignee field, and count the number of tasks assigned to each Assignee. For example, if you hover over the bar representing Eric, you can see there are currently 2 tasks assigned to him.


Report information

Reports are generated correctly only when all the information is available.

For example:

Work Progress

Work progress depends on the "totals" settings: