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What is a configuration snapshot?

A configuration snapshot is a structured file containing data of a Jira configuration. It is called a snapshot because, just like with a Polaroid camera, you “take a photo” of all your Jira settings and configurations at this specific moment in time.

The best part is that all data in the snapshot is instance-independent. This means that you can easily transfer and import the information it contains to another Jira instance.

With Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ), you can create the following snapshots types:

  • System configuration snapshots

  • Project configuration snapshots

  • Project with issues snapshots

Now let’s take a deep dive into the specific characteristics of each snapshot.

System configuration snapshot

A system configuration snapshot contains the whole configuration of a single Jira instance.

If you want to move your current instance setup to another place (including all projects, issue types, workflows, schemes, and everything in between), then this snapshot is for you.

Project configuration snapshot

A project configuration snapshot contains the settings for any number of projects, including all configuration objects used by them.

Use this when you want to start fresh with one or more projects in another Jira instance - no issues holding you back.

Project with issues snapshot

A project with issues snapshot contains the settings for several projects, including all configuration objects used by these projects as well as all the issues contained in these projects (comments, links, attachments, etc.)

This snapshot is perfect when you need to move a project from one instance to another without worrying you’ll lose anything during the migration. Just copy from one place to another and carry on working as if nothing has changed.

Breakdown of the configuration elements included in each snapshot type

The table below lists a comparison between the three CMJ snapshot types.

System configuration snapshot

Project configuration snapshot

Project with issues snapshot


(components, versions, categories)

Includes all projects

Includes everything associated with the selected project/s

Includes everything associated with the selected project/s

Custom fields

Includes all custom fields

Includes any custom fields associated with the selected project/s

Includes any custom fields associated with the selected project/s

Issue attributes

(issue types, sub-tasks, resolutions, priorities, status)

Includes all issue attributes

Includes all issue attributes associated with the selected project/s

Includes all issue attributes associated with the selected project/s


Includes all workflows

Includes all workflows associated with the selected project/s

Includes all workflows associated with the selected project/s


Includes all schemes

Includes all schemes associated with the selected project/s

Includes all schemes associated with the selected project/s


Includes all screens

Includes all screens associated with the selected project/s

Includes all screens associated with the selected project/s


(active users, guests, mentions)

Includes all users

Includes any users associated with the selected project/s

Includes any users associated with the selected project/s and included issues

Optional configurations
(boards, dashboards, filters)

Includes all optional configurations if their respective checkboxes are ticked

Includes all associated boards and filters if their respective checkboxes are ticked

Includes all associated boards and filters if their respective checkboxes are ticked


(comments, history, attachments, links)

Doesn’t include issues

Doesn’t include issues

Includes all issues associated with the selected project/s or the provided JQL issue filter