This is the documentation for JSU for Jira Cloud. If you are using JSU on Jira Server or on Jira Data Center, see the Server/Data Center documentation.


Automate the creation of linked issues and their associated issue fields


You are a Hiring Manager and you are onboarding a new Marketing Assistant. Your tasks to complete the onboarding could include: 

  • Create new contract 

  • Order new computer

Let’s see how JSU can create these linked tasks and associated issue fields when an origin Jira issue called Hiring a Marketing Assistant moves to .

JSU Components

Create a Linked Issue post function

How to configure this rule

  1. Create a draft of your project workflow. If you're unsure how to get to this page, follow the onboarding steps in Edit a Jira Workflow. You can then view your workflow in Text or Diagram mode. The steps in this use case represent Diagram mode. If you haven't already, switch the workflow viewer to Diagram mode.

  2. We want to perform the automation on the  transition so that two subtasks are automatically created. Select the arrow that points to the In Progress status to show the transition rule Options menu.

    Draft Jira workflow in diagram view with the transition options menu displayed.

  3. Select Post Functions from the list of options.

  4. On the Post Functions tab, select Add post function.

    The Post Function tab of the Jira workflow transition page with the Add Post Function link highlighted in red.

  5. Select the Create A Linked Issue (JSU) post function and click Add at the bottom of the page.

    List of available workflow post functions with the Create a Linked Issue post function highlighted in yellow.

  6. Now, let's configure your first post function:

    1. We want to perform the automation inside the same project; for the Target Project, we select Inside same project.

    2. We want our new issue to be related via Subtask; in The new issue will be related via option, we select Sub-Task.

      Example configuration of the Create a Linked Issue post function.

  7. Now, let's configure the values of different issue fields. In this case, we want to copy a field value from the original issue (our task) to the new issue (a new subtask).
    Select Add configuration at the bottom of the post function configuration page.

  8. Select Add for the Copy to New operation.

    List of optional sub-functions for the Create a Linked Issue post function.

  9. In the Copy to New sub-function configuration, let's copy the task's Assignee to the Assignee of the subtask. 

    Copy to New sub-function set to Assignee.

  10. Next, we want to copy the value from one field to another field within the origin issue. We once again select Add configuration.

  11. We want to copy the Summary field of the origin issue to the Description field of the origin issue, while prepending it with a dash. Select Add for the Copy within Origin operation.

  12. In our second configuration, let's copy the Summary to Description. Select prepend and manually type in a dash symbol -.

    The Copy within Origin sub-function set to prepend Summary to Description.

    Congratulations! You've created your second configuration.

  13. We will configure the last operation by setting a value for the Summary of the new subtask. Once again, we select Add configuration.

  14. We want to set the value for the summary of the new subtask; we select Add for the Set operation.

  15. In our third configuration, we set Create contract to Summary. After completing your third configuration, click Add to add the post function to your workflow. 

    The Set sub-function set to overwrite Summary with Create contract.

  16. On the Post Functions tab, select Add post function.

  17. Follow Steps 4 - 15 to create another subtask for ordering a PC. In this case, set the Summary of your new subtask to order PC.

    Example configuration of the Create a Linked Issue post function.

    We have now added all of our post functions.

    Jira workflow transition summary page.

  18. Publish your workflow, then let's see our setup in action.

Test the workflow

  1. Go to our project and create a task for hiring a Marketing Assistant.

    1. Make the Summary, Hiring Marketing Assistant.

    2. Add Onboarding process in the Description.

    3. Add an Assignee.

      Example Jira issue with Description and Assignee fields highlighted.

  2. Change the task's status from Backlog to in Progress and watch the two subtasks appear through the automation we configured!
    The description of your task is updated because of the Copy Within Origin functionality. Your new subtasks have been assigned to the assignee of the task due to the Copy to New functionality and their summary is set as configured by the Set functionality. That's it; JSU automated the work for you. 

    Example Jira issue with two subtasks created through the use case automation.

This was just one example of automating linked issues and field creation. Regardless of your needs, JSU's Create A Linked Issue post function and its operations can help you:

  • copy a field value from the origin issue to a new linked issue,

  • copy the value from one field to another field within the origin issue, and

  • set the value of a field in a new linked issue.