Inline configuration transformations

Transform configuration elements inline during a deployment

Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) Cloud allows you to change how configuration elements from one Jira Cloud site will be deployed to another. We call these changes transformations. There are two ways to apply such actions to the configuration being deployed - inline transformations or custom configuration mapping.

The inline transformations are quick actions you can apply to a set of configuration elements with just a few clicks in the UI. This feature set allows you to edit your configuration elements during the Analyze Changes phase of deployments.

You have the following distinct inline transformations available when using CMJ Cloud:

  • renaming projects, workflows, workflow schemes, issue type schemes and project filters, and

  • changing project keys


Use cases

You can use the transformations to:

  • resolve conflicts detected in workflows and filters during the deployment analysis. You can use the same approach to fix problems with duplicate configuration elements added to the deployment scope. Such a conflict arises when the deployment scope contains multiple filters with the same name and owner.
    When CMJ Cloud alerts you of a workflow with the same name on the destination, you must choose a different name for the workflow in the deployment scope. This way, the workflow will be added to the destination as a new one unless it again matches another workflow in the destination by name. The conflict will be resolved after the transformation if the renamed workflow doesn't match another one in the destination.

  • create new projects, workflows, and filters instead of changing existing ones in the destination Jira Cloud. Use the transformation options to upload source configuration elements as new ones on the destination. Thus, you can optimize the configuration that goes to the destination according to your organization's needs.
    Renaming a project during the deployment will allow CMJ Cloud to upload it as a new project in the destination Jira Cloud site.

You may also use the transformations to optimize the configuration when deploying it to another Jira Cloud site.

Source Jira Cloud's configuration isn't modified in any way

The projects and configuration elements remain unchanged in the source Jira Cloud site. You're only changing how the source configuration elements are deployed to the destination Jira Cloud.

How are the inline transformations applied

After the configuration analysis is complete, you'll see a detailed report. It'll include a list of all the planned configuration changes and any problems or conflicts that were detected. For more information, you can check our article describing the deployment's analysis phase.

The transformations applied are not final until confirmed with the Apply changes button on the Analyze changes page. Before confirmation, each change to a project, workflow, workflow scheme, or filter is marked as a Draft change in the UI.

Apply draft changes
You'll lose all draft changes if you close the browser tab before applying them.

After making all the necessary changes and applying them, you can continue the deployment.

New analysis runs when applying changes

Once you confirm the draft changes, a new analysis will start automatically and run until the configuration is fully updated.

The purpose of the new analysis is to detect conflicts between the updated and the destination configurations.


Rename projects and change their keys

In the Analyze changes phase of the deployment, you can easily change the name and key of a project before deploying it to the destination. This way, CMJ Cloud allows you to deploy a project as a new one instead of merging it with an existing project in the destination.

To change a project name or key during deployment:

  1. Hover over a project's name or key in the deployment wizard's Analyze changes page.

  2. Click the project name or key and edit either of them inline.
    Once you edit the project details, the project is marked with a Draft change label on the Analyze changes page.
    Also, a new Apply changes button appears at the bottom when there are draft changes in the deployment scope.

  3. You need to apply all changes to continue the deployment.

Rename workflows, workflow schemes, and issue type schemes

You can rename workflows, workflow schemes, and issue type schemes during a deployment. This way, you can resolve conflicts between source and destination workflows and workflow schemes.

To rename a workflow or workflow scheme during deployment:

  1. Hover over the name of a workflow/ workflow scheme/issue type scheme in the Analyze changes page of the deployment wizard.

  2. Click the name of the workflow/workflow scheme/issue type scheme and change it inline.

    Once you edit the workflow/workflow scheme/issue type scheme name, the configuration element is marked with a Draft change label on the Analyze changes page.
    Also, a new Apply changes button appears at the bottom when there are draft changes in the deployment scope.

  3. You need to apply all changes to continue the deployment.


Rename project filters

CMJ Cloud also gives you the option to rename filters during a deployment to resolve conflicts or optimize project configurations that will be uploaded to the destination cloud.

CMJ Cloud detects filter conflicts when there are:

  • filters with the same names and owners in the deployment scope and

  • source and destination filters with matching names and owners.

In these cases, you can take advantage of this option to resolve the problems quickly without leaving the deployment wizard and ultimately make a successful deployment.

To rename a project filter:

  1. Hover over the name of a filter in the Analyze changes page of the deployment wizard.

  2. Click the filter name and change the name inline.

    Once you edit the name, the filter is marked with a Draft change label on the Analyze changes page.
    Also, a new Apply changes button appears at the bottom when there are draft changes in the deployment scope.

  3. You need to apply all changes to continue the deployment.