This is example groovy script function to help generate choice values based on standard Confluence, JIRA, or Crowd based user tables.
def applicationId = 1 // Get this value out of your cwd_application database or modify the sql below to get it dynamically def ANY = '*' // Special value to represent any user id (like in JIRA) /** * Get colon separated list of users - userid:displayName - order by name */ def getUserChoice() { def sql = """ select lower_user_name || ':' || quote_nullable(display_name) || ':\\\\' from cwd_user where (lower_user_name not like '%-admin%') and (lower_user_name not like 'automation%') and (directory_id in (select directory_id from cwd_app_dir_mapping where application_id = ${applicationId})) order by display_name """ def userChoice = "${ANY}:Any:current_user_id:Current user:" + getChoice(sql, crowdDataSource) return userChoice } /** * General function to run SQL for choice text */ def getChoice(final sql, final dataSource) { def choiceMacro = "{sql-query:datasource=${dataSource}|table=false} ${sql} {sql-query}" def choices = subRenderer.render(choiceMacro, context, renderMode) if (choices.contains('div class="error"')) { println "Error rendering macro: ${choiceMacro}" println "Error: ${choices}" return "ERROR" } return choices }