As part of Wittified's mission to deliver awesome apps that help all users of Atlassian's products everywhere the 2FA app has functionality to "phone home" to Wittified.
If you wish to opt-out of this, you can do so by going to the 2FA Settings page and disabling the "Activity" setting.
What data is sent?
Once a day, the following payload is sent back to Wittified (through's servers):
{ "plugin": "[the addon key]", "sen": "[the addon license sen", "hostProduct": "[the host product]", "licenceLevel": "[the license level in the host instance]", "licenseType": "[the license type of the host instance]", "hostid": "[a unique id of the host instance]" }
Name | Description | Example value |
the addon key | The add-on's key | com.wittified.auth.two-factor-authentication-bitbucket |
sen | The SEN of the current license used for the add-on | SEN-12332 |
the host product | The type of product that the add-on is running in | bitbucket |
licenseLevel | The number of users that the host product is licensed for | 100 Users |
licenseType | The type of license that the host product is running | Commercial |
hostid | A md5 checksum of the host product id | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |