Asset REST services
This page is about Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira DC. Using Cloud? Click here.
This document describes the REST services for managing assets in the system. Authentication is required for all calls.
System Fields and Attributes on Create or Update
System Fields
Display Name | Field Name | Field Type | Description | Example |
Status | asset.status | STRING | The value must be the key of Status or display the name of the Status. (Please see {{link}} for Status keys) | "1" or "In stock" |
Substatus | asset.substatus | STRING | The value must be the key of Substatus or display the name of the Substatus. (Please see {{link}} for Substatus keys) | "1" or "Available" |
Assignee | asset.assignee | JIRA_USER | The value must be a username or user key. | "tdurden" or "JIRAUSER10000" |
Reserved for | asset.reservedFor | JIRA_USER | The value must be a username or user key. | "tdurden" or "JIRAUSER10000" |
Owner | asset.owner | JIRA_USER | The value must be a username or user key. | "tdurden" or "JIRAUSER10000" |
Managed by | asset.managedBy | JIRA_USER | The value must be a username or user key. | "tdurden" or "JIRAUSER10000" |
Quantity | asset.quantity | LONG | The value must be a number (without decimals). | 14 |
Asset tag | asset.assetTag | STRING | The value must be a text. | "tag1" |
Serial Number | asset.serialNumber | STRING | The value must be a text. | "AB12309712947" |
Location | asset.location | LONG | The value must be the ID of the location or the name of the location. | "3" or "Istanbul Office" |
Belongs to group | asset.belongsToGroup | STRING | The value must be a List of Jira Group in JSON format. | "["jira-administrators"]" or "["jira-developers","jira-users"]" |
Install Date | asset.installDate | DATE | The value must be Date (without time) in ISO format. | "2020-05-22" |
Cost | asset.cost | DOUBLE | The value must be a number float(with decimals). | 34.12 |
Currency | asset.costCurrency | STRING | The value must be one of the currencies. | "USD" or "EUR" |
Invoice Number | asset.invoiceNumber | STRING | The value must be a text. | "IN12093821907049712409" |
Type | Description | Example |
Asset List | The value must be ID of asset or name of asset. If there are multiple values, you must add "," between values. | "145" |
Asset List by Asset Types | The value must be ID of asset or name of asset. Asset must be in given Asset Type. If there is multiple value, you must add "," between values. | "145" |
Cascading Dropdown | The value must be cascading dropdown option ids. Add "-" between options. | "1-2" |
Checkbox | The value must be one of checkbox values. If there are multiple values, you must add "@@@@@@" between them. | "Ada" |
Date Picker | The value must be Date(without time) in ISO format. | "2020-05-22" |
Date Time Picker | The value must be Date-time(with time) in ISO format. | "2020-05-22T13:18" |
Dropdown List | The value must be one of Dropdown List values. | "Ada" |
Encrypted | The value must be text. | "password123" |
IP | The value must be text. | "" |
IPv6 | The value must be text. | "2607:f0d0:1002:0051:0000:0000:0000:0004" |
Jira Organizations | The value must be one of Jira Organization IDs. If there are multiple values, you must add "@@@@@@" between them. Refer to this documentation to figure out how to get Jira Organization IDs. | "1" "1@@@@@@2" |
Jira Project | The value must be one of Jira Project IDs. If there are multiple values, you must add "@@@@@@" between them. Refer to this documentation to figure out how to get Jira Organization IDs. | "10000" "10000@@@@@@10001" |
Jira Project Components | The value must be one of "Jira Project Id - Jira Project Component Id". If there are multiple values, you must add "@@@@@@" between them. Refer to this documentation to figure out how to get Jira Organization IDs. | "10000-1" "10000-1@@@@@@100001-2" |
Jira Project Versions | The value must be one of "Jira Project Id - Jira Project Version Id". If there are multiple values, you must add "@@@@@@" between them. Refer to this documentation to figure out how to get Jira Organization IDs. | "10000-1" "10000-1@@@@@@100001-2" |
Jira User Picker | The value must be a username. It doesn't need to be a Jira User. | "tyler-durden" |
List Box | The value must be one of List Box values. | "Mer" |
List Box - Multiple | The value must be one of List Box values. If there are multiple values, you must add "@@@@@@" between them. | "Izm" |
Number Float(with decimals) | The value must be number float(with decimals). | 14.2 |
Number Long(without decimals) | The value must be number long(without decimals). | 98 |
Radio Button | The value must be one of Radio Button values. | "Can" |
Text | The value must be text. | "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." |
Text Area | The value must be text. | "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." |
URL | The value must be text. | "" |
Listing all assets
Only Jira Admins can use this Rest Service. Please use the Search service, which is better in performance, and no Jira Admin user is required.
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/list.json |
List single asset
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/[assetID].json |
Filtering assets
Only Jira Admins can use this Rest Service. Please use the Search service, which is better in performance, and no Jira Admin user is required.
Method | POST |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/filter.json |
Create a new asset
Method | POST |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/asset.json |
Update asset
Method | PUT |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/asset/[assetID].json |
"Name" is required. If you don't send it, the asset name will be cleared. Attributes are optional. You can send only the system fields and attributes you need to update.
Delete asset
Method | DELETE |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/[assetID].json |
Add attachment to an asset
Method | POST |
URL | rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/attachment/0/[assetID].json |
Headers | Content-Type: multipart/form-data |
It is not possible to create an asset with attachments; first, the asset needs to be created, and then attachments can be uploaded after that.
Zero in URL is a fixed value.
You can inspect the browser to see it in action. Open the app, inspect the browser, and then upload an attachment. Here are some example screenshots from Chrome:
Delete attachment from an asset
Method | DELETE |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/detachFile/0/[assetID]/[serverFileName].json     Example: /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/detachFile/0/20711/75144_11677_1620987178043.png.json |
Get attachment of an asset
Method | GET |
URL | /rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/getFile/0/[assetID]/[serverFileName].json     Example: [JIRA_BASE]/rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/getFile/0/20711/91697_10383_1620986690368.jpg.json |
The following response example of Get Asset API ([JIRA_BASE]/rest/jip-api/1.0/inventory/transformed/[assetID].json
) has an attachments attribute.