Share password-protected dashboards and boards with users outside your account without compromising any other data.
How to start
First, you need something to share! Create your first dashboard by setting up a pre-defined template or simply add a gadget from a blank dashboard (like the Formula Cards, for example).
1. Navigate to the “Share” icon
The Share icon can be easily found at the top right of your dashboard
2. Enable the Public Link and create a password
Don’t forget to Save the password!
3. Copy the Public Link and share it!
Your Public Link is protected and ready to be shared
People with access to the link will be granted view-only permissions to check the dashboard whenever they want. This provides complete transparency over the data, leading to increased stakeholder satisfaction.
If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to read the External Sharing documentation, reach out to our support team, or schedule a call with us! We’re here to help.