Graphviz diagrams provide a simple and easy way to add customized diagrams into your Jira issue. As a project user, you can create Graphviz diagrams dynamically either by using simple DOT language or an attachment with DOT code. You can save the diagram as an attachment, and preview, edit or remove your diagrams based on your project requirements.
This page explains about how to manage Graphviz diagrams in a Jira issue.
Create Graphviz diagram
To create a Graphviz diagram in a Jira issue:
- Navigate to the intended issue for in which you want to create a diagram.
- Click Graphviz from the menu options to see the Graphviz for Jira section in the new Jira issue view.
- Click Graphviz from the menu options again or Add a Graphviz diagram in the Graphviz for Jira section to navigate to the Graphviz Diagrams for Jira window.
- Add your settings in the Graphviz Diagrams for Jira window:
- Graphviz source attachment: Lists the DOT files attached to the issue. Select an attachment from the available list only when you want to create a diagram using the code in this specific attachment. By default, the value is set to None.
Refer to this example for more details. - Graphviz output attachment name: Name of the output attachment. Enter a name to be assigned to the attachment that is the output of the DOT code specified. This attachment is attached to the issue and can be downloaded.
- Layout: Lists the available diagram layouts. Select a value from the available list to render the diagram in the specified layout.
- dot (default) - hierarchical or layered drawings for directed graphs
neato - spring model layouts for undirected graphs
twopi - radial layouts for graphs
circo - circular layouts for graphs
- fdp - spring model layouts for undirected graphs
For some example layouts, refer to Graphviz diagram layouts.
Content: Text area where you specify the DOT language. Enter the intended text or simple expression that defines the diagram.
For example: Enter the following simple DOT code:digraph { A -> B -> C; B -> D; D -> B [color=blue]; }
This results in the following output:
For more example diagram types and DOT codes, refer to Graphviz diagram types.
- Graphviz source attachment: Lists the DOT files attached to the issue. Select an attachment from the available list only when you want to create a diagram using the code in this specific attachment. By default, the value is set to None.
Click Preview to preview the diagram before saving the settings.
Notice that any errors in the specified code are listed below the Preview button.
Click Save to save the settings and navigate back to the issue to view the output diagram or click Cancel to cancel creating diagrams.
Notice that any errors in the specified code are listed in the Graphviz for Jira section of the issue.
Step 2 and 3 refer to the new Jira issue view. In the old Jira issue view, replace step 2 and 3 with the following step:
Click Add a Graphviz diagram as shown in the following image to navigate to the Graphviz Diagrams for Jira window for further edits:
Edit or delete Graphviz diagram
To edit or delete a Graphviz diagram associated with an issue:
- Navigate to the intended Jira issue.
- In the Graphviz for Jira section of the issue, look for icons below the Graphviz diagram:
- Click the edit () icon to edit the respective settings in the Graphviz Diagrams for Jira window.
- Click the delete ( ) icon delete the diagram.
Additional links
For more information on Graphviz usage details, refer to Graphviz resources.