The cloud version uses the following structures:
string name; JSlaCompletedCycle[] completedCycles; JSlaOngoingCycle ongoingCycle;
date startTime; date stopTime; boolean breached; number goalDuration; number elepsedTime; number remainingTime;
date startTime; date breachedTime; boolean breached; boolean paused; boolean withinCalendarHours; number goalDuration; number elepsedTime; number remainingTime;
string customerEmail = ""; boolean customerCreated = createCustomer("The Ice Cream Buyer", customerEmail); if(customerCreated) { runnerLog("A new customer was invited, let's announce this on the ticket."); addJSDComment(key, "We invited the customer with the following email '" + customerEmail +"' to join us.", true); //public comment } else { addJSDComment(key, "We couldn't invite the customer with the following email '" + customerEmail +"' please take a second look.", false); //internal comment } int[] commentsIds = getAllCommentIds(key); runnerLog("There are '" + size(commentsIds) + "' comments with the following ids: " + commentsIds); string newOrgName = "iFixit"; createOrganization(newOrgName); int propsOrgId = getOrganizationIdByName(newOrgName); runnerLog("We should add the new organization to a JSM project."); addOrganization({"Org", newOrgName}, "JSM"); runnerLog("Let's add some engineers to the newly created organization"); addCustomerToOrganization({"customer_id", "another_customer_id"}, newOrgName); runnerLog("Engineers from organization '" + newOrgName + "': " + getUsersFromOrganizations({newOrgName})); runnerLog("Remove one of them."); removeCustomerFromOrganization({"customer_id"}, newOrgName); runnerLog("Now we have the following engineers: " + getUsersFromOrganizations({newOrgName})); runnerLog("Let's set some properties for a new organization"); setOrganizationPropertyValue(propsOrgId, "DoesItWork", false); setOrganizationPropertyValue(propsOrgId, "IceCreamType", {"McSUNDAE", "McFlurry"}); runnerLog("What properties do we have set on the organization with id " + propsOrgId + "? "); string[] properties = getOrganizationPropertyKeys(propsOrgId); runnerLog("Properties: "+ properties); for(string prop in properties) { runnerLog("Property with key '" + prop + "' has value: " + getOrganizationPropertyValues(propsOrgId, prop)); } runnerLog("Let's put one of the engineers to work."); setOrganizationPropertyValue(propsOrgId, "DoesItWork", true); runnerLog("The new value of 'DoesItWork' is: " + getOrganizationPropertyValues(propsOrgId, "DoesItWork")); runnerLog("Looks like the engineer did a good work."); runnerLog("Since the ice cream machine is working, let's remove the second property."); deleteOrganizationProperty(propsOrgId, properties[0]); runnerLog("Now we only have the following properties: " + getOrganizationPropertyKeys(propsOrgId)); runnerLog("How many organization are associated with project 'JSM': " + size(getAllOrganizationIds("JSM"))); runnerLog("Let's remove the newly created organization from the 'JSM' project."); removeOrganization({newOrgName}, "JSM"); runnerLog("Now we have only '" + size(getAllOrganizationIds("JSM")) + "' organizatons on the project JSM"); runnerLog("Let's get rid of the new organization since we don't use it anymore."); //we'll get the organizationsIds before and after the delete of the organization and get the diff to check if the organization was really deleted int[] initialOrganizations = getAllOrganizationIds(); deleteOrganization(newOrgName); int[] currentOrganizations = getAllOrganizationIds(); string[] deletedOrgs = arrayDiff(initialOrganizations, currentOrganizations); if(size(deletedOrgs) == 1 && deletedOrgs[0] == propsOrgId) { runnerLog("Organization with name: '" + newOrgName + "' does not exist anymore"); } return "Have a nice day.";