2.0 allowed the administrator to enable more of their trusted power users to manage their own project configurations and free up their time to focusing on scaling the system. With 2.1 we're helping to enable the power users to group project configurations together and free up their time to do other more important stuff outside of Jira.
With 2.1 Wittified is excited to share 2 new features: Project Groups and Locking Mechanisms.
The Project Groups is a new exciting new feature which will allow a project administrator to group projects together as a group and then administrate them as one unit. A project can easily be added/removed whenever they so desire. For more information about this feature, please see out Administrator's Guide - 2.1 and User's Guide - 2.1.
As part of our DataCenter and Jira at Scale support, we noticed that there were some cases where the native Jira locking mechanics that we were relying on wasn't cutting it. So we've introduced our own. The new looking mechanism will guard against users triggering the same action multiple times at the same time, however the administrator can at any time "break" these locks.
In addition to this, we solved a couple of bugs:
- DADMIN-425Getting issue details... STATUS
- DADMIN-424Getting issue details... STATUS
- DADMIN-420Getting issue details... STATUS
DADMIN-425 web-panel at atl.jira.proj.config.header location is not coming in Jira 7.10
DADMIN-424 UI issue in Jira 7.10 version
DADMIN-420: Able to add multiple transitions with the same name when using Self Service mode