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Delete configuration elements
Power Admin lets you use an advanced and safe delete action to remove configuration elements and manage their dependencies during this operation. Before Power Admin deletes a configuration element, it searches for its usages, and if they are found, it removes the references from the detected dependent objects. This way, Power Admin securely removes the element and preserves the integrity of your project configurations.
There are specific cases when it is not safe to delete a configuration element, and for this reason, Power Admin doesn't allow the delete action.
Use cases
Let's review the specific use cases for deleting configuration elements:
Delete is not allowed for:
Locked configuration elements
Jira default configuration elements
Configuration elements when they are used in other objects
Priority used by a Jira Service project
Delete is not allowed for the following configuration elements, in case they are used in other configuration elements:
permission schemes
workflow schemes
issue type screen schemes
issue security schemes
screen schemes
issue types
issue type schemes
priority schemes
Delete is allowed for the following configuration elements even when they are used in other configuration elements:
notification schemes
custom fields
Delete configuration elements that are in use
When deletion is allowed for configuration elements that are in use, Power Admin will take care of updating all references to these elements in order to preserve the integrity of the configuration.
When a notification scheme is deleted:
The notification scheme will automatically be removed from projects which are using it.
When a screen is deleted:
The screen will automatically be removed from screen schemes and workflows which are using it.
It will not be possible to delete the screen when it is a default screen in a screen scheme.
When a custom field is deleted:
The custom field will automatically be removed from all configuration elements which are using it:
Schemes - issues security schemes, permissions schemes, notification schemes.
Workflows - if there is a condition, validator, or post-function using the custom field, it will automatically be removed from the transition.
Filter - if a custom field is used in a filter, the part of the JQL which uses the field will be removed to preserve the integrity of the filter.
Agile Board - the custom field will be removed from all JQLs, card layouts, or issue detail views.
Dashboard - the custom fields will be removed from columns in gadgets. If the custom field is used in a gadget in any other way, the gadget itself will be removed from the dashboard.
It will not be possible to delete a custom field which is used as the only entry in a security level, and there are issues which use this security level.
Delete action
You can delete a configuration element using the Delete button in the actions bar.
You can also delete a configuration element from the Actions column in the table with dependent configuration elements.
Why is the delete button disabled?
In the cases when the delete action is not allowed (see Use cases section above), the Delete button is disabled, and there is a tooltip explaining why.
Delete objects that are in use by service projects
Service projects cannot be deleted in Power Admin, however, objects associated with them can. There are a few corner cases that should be noted when attempting to delete elements that are used by one or more service projects.
Deleting custom fields used by Legacy Automation - IF statements
Power Admin allows users to delete a custom field used in an IF statement in Legacy Automation. If the IF statement contains multiple clauses, the clause containing the custom field will be removed without any issues. However, if the IF statement has only one clause (2), the custom field will still be removed, but its JQL reference will remain in the clause. Additionally, when users go to Legacy Automation, they will see an error (1) for the affected rules.