Do you have trial licenses?
Yes! You can try the app for free for 30 days. To begin trial, click here.
Is there resources I can use to help me learn about the product quicker?
Absolutely! We offer one free hour of the app training with our Power Apps expert, sign up today! We are also preparing webinars, videos, and example scripts to help users get started. Stay tuned!
Does it work with Power Scripts for Jira?
Definitely! The Power Suite just got one more family member. Look here for tips and tricks on how you can use Power Scripts for Jira and Confluence together for the ultimate power! We also recommend that you sign up for a free app training, get yours today!
We are on Confluence Data Center, will it work for us?
It definitely will. We are working on the Data Center compatibility, and it probably be out before you finish your free trial of the product.