Release Prediction Chart
Release Prediction Chart is a tool that together with Project Burnup Chart and Estimate Accuracy Gadget makes Agile reporting better by enabling you to track how your Agile team is performing over a period of time and giving you forecast capabilities into how the future sprints are about to be delivered as well as insights into how your team's sprints could be planned in order to deliver the estimated work.
The gadget is SCRUM board based and shows the burnup of points for each closed Sprint/Version and current Sprint/Version. Starting from "today" the chart displays the future planned sprints. How many sprints you should have, the estimated date of release, the work committed to be delivered until release. A user-definable "Deviation lines" sets a control limit to show the pessimistic date of release (when the project progress is too far from the ideal burnup) and the optimistic date of release (when the project progress is ahead of the estimates).
Great features
In Release Prediction Chart you can:
- zoom inside the chart
- deselect a line - so you can customize your report by deselecting the lines that you don't want to appear in the chart
- view more easily the chart details
- export chart data
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