In Gaia for Jira , you can manage multiple templates that allow you to create different types of projects. This section contains the instructions for editing a Gaia for Jira template.
This tutorial was written considering that:
you have a Jira instance installed and running on your server;
you have administrator rights on that Jira instance;
1. Go to the "Manage apps" menu of the Jira Administration section :
On the upper right corner of your screen, Click on the Administration icon, select the "Manage apps" sub-menu.
2. Go into the Gaia Configuration page :
From the menu on the left side of the screen, find the "Gaia" section, select "Gaia Configuration":
A table showing all the configured templates should appear :
3. Editing the template :
Under the Actions column, click on the "Edit" button associated to the template you wish to edit. The list of editable options should appear, as shown below.
Each template can be associated with its own Project Category, Issue Type Scheme, Permission Scheme, etc. similarly to any Jira project. To get a detailed description of each configuration option, go to the Configuration Options Description section of this guide.
After your modifications are done, hit the "Save" button.
Changing a template will be applied to FUTURE projects you create, and will NOT modify the existing projects.