Clear publishing configuration
The publishing configuration can be cleared from both the source space and the target space using the space settings Clear Publishing configuration menu option in either the target space or the source space.
Clearing the publication configuration
removes the publishing synchronization between the source space and target space
unlinks the spaces
After the configuration is cleared, each space can be configured as a new source or target space.
The user requires space administrator permission for both the source and target spaces. If the user does not have permission for both spaces, the Clear Publishing configuration option is disabled (greyed out).
Clear the publishing configuration
In the publishing dashboard
choose the ellipsis menu
choose the Clear Publishing configuration option
The Clear Publishing configuration option is available in both the source and target space publishing dashboard.
Selecting Clear Publishing configuration displays a confirmation dialog box.
The source and target space names are displayed in the dialog box.
choose Clear in the dialog box to confirm the removal of the publishing configuration from both the source space and the target space
The space is reindexed, and the progress of the space reindex of the source space is displayed in a progress bar.
The displayed space reindex report confirms the successful reindex of the space, and a message confirms the successful clearing of the publishing configuration.
The Clear Publishing configuration option
unlinks the target space and source space
removes synchronization (and removes all publishing status) for pages in the previously linked spaces
resets the publishing dashboard in both the previously linked source space and target space
Clearing the publishing configuration on one of the linked spaces resets the publishing dashboard in both spaces - neither space will be linked to any other space for publishing.
Changing the target space
You can change an existing target space by choosing the publishing dashboard Target space option.
This option removes the synchronization between the previously linked spaces - the source and target spaces.
Once the new target space has been added to the source space publishing dashboard
choose Publish space to publish to the new target space
The selected new target space cannot be an existing source or target space. Suppose the chosen space is already configured for publishing. In that case, the Change button is disabled, and a message is displayed warning the space has an existing publishing configuration (either as a source or a target space).
Publishing configuration must be cleared in a space before choosing the space as a new target space using the Clear Publishing configuration.