2nd September 2018
The beecom team is happy to announce the release of JSU 2.8.0, which is now ready to download on the Marketplace.
- Better support for the Update any Issue Field Post-Function in the create transition.
- Update any Issue Field Post-Function improved for the Watcher system field.
- Copy Value From Other Field Post-Function now behaves better during the Clone Issue operation (special case for the create transition).
- Additional special sources (default value & empty) for the "Copy from the Origin Issue to the New Issue" section in the Create a Linked Issue post function.
- "Related Issues" configuration is now properly displayed in the view of Create a Linked Issue post function
- In the (edit) configuration screen the custom field which enables linked issue creation, can be cleared again.
- Fixed a problem with Create a Linked Issue post function, when Issue Assignee was set to a component lead, who's user name was renamed.