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This page is applicable to both Planning Poker for Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center. |
Welcome to Planning Poker for Jira – your potent tool for efficient project estimation and team collaboration. This guide will help you quickly get started with the essential steps.
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Before you begin, we recommend reviewing this document, which provides an overview of estimation values, user roles, and more. |
Planning Poker is designed to transcend project boundaries, operating globally rather than being tied to a specific project or board. With two easy entry points, you can access the same collaborative platform, the Dashboard, no matter how you initiate the game.
Once installed, Planning Poker will add a new menu item in the following locations:
On this page:
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1. Starting/Joining a game
Before diving into Planning Poker, let's acquaint you with the Dashboard—an essential hub for navigating and managing your estimation sessions.
The Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of ongoing and finished games, allowing you to swiftly access and orchestrate your estimation process. You can access it by clicking the entry points above.
On the Dashboard, you can use filters or the search feature to locate a game easily and perform actions like copying an existing session with all its settings.
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For Admins:
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For estimators:
2. Estimation process
Planning Poker involves organized rounds, each focusing on estimating an issue. These rounds consist of three phases: Backlog, Discussion, Voting, and Final estimate submission.
In summary, the Backlog phase marks the beginning of the game, initiated by the game administrator. After the admin chooses an issue, the Discussion phase begins, during which the Product Owner presents the details of the issue, and estimators ask questions to clarify. Once everyone is clear about the issue, the Voting phase starts. After voting, the Final estimate submission phase begins, where the Scrum master analyzes the results and ensures a consensus on the estimation value. This phase concludes when the Scrum master saves the estimation value.
a. Backlog phase
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For Admins:
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For estimators:
b. Discussion phase
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For Admins:
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For estimators:
c. Voting phase
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For Admins:
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For estimators:
d. Final estimate submission
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For Admins:
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For estimators:
For a detailed description of the game flow and the controls used by nts and the admin, check out these documents: Game flow (Cloud, DC), Game controls (Cloud, DC).
3. Ending the game
A game concludes when all issues are estimated, or the admin chooses to finish it. Finished games can be reopened if needed.
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For distributed teams that cannot conduct an “on-line” session, Planning Poker offers an Async mode to estimate each Jira issue individually. This mode doesn't follow a unified "session" concept, but estimators can estimate in the issues directly through the Async mode tab. To learn more about it, refer to the related document (Cloud, DC). |
Effective communication and collaboration are pivotal for successful estimations in Planning Poker. Let's kick off your first game!
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