Setup an example page
No Format --action storePage --space xxx --title test --parent @home --content "aaa http://myjira.com bbb"
Construct a modifyPage action for a single page using a simple text replace. Since : (colon) is in the text and is the default key:value separator for CLI, use # instead using the special parameter (spaces are significant!)
No Format --action modifyPage --space xxx --title at --findReplace "http://myjira.com#http://mynewjira.com" --special " #"
Run against all pages with the link (using unix style escaping - see Tips). Run against your test space first before using @all.
No Format --action runFromContentList --space xxxcql "type=page" --common "--action modifyPage --id @pageId@ --findReplace \"http://myjira.com#http://mynewjira.com\" --special \" #\" "
No Format Run: --action modifyPage --id 112197680 --findReplace "http://myjira.com#http://mynewjira.com" --special " #" Page modified: 'at' in space: xxx. Page has id: 112197680 ...