Augments are a set of macro parameters that provide the ability to augment the data found in the table with additional columns derived from other information available. More capabilities are planned for the future. This is supported by the CSV Table macro and the JSON Table Macro.
Table plus |
Macro editor label | | Parameter |
Augments to data row values | Enter a comma-separated list of augments to the data row values, one for each column. Specify double quotes for values with a comma. | augments | Augments to heading row values | Enter a comma-separated list of augments to heading row values, one for each column. | headingAugments | Augments to footer row values | Enter a comma-separated list of augments to footing row values, one for each column. | footingAugments | Columns to display | Enter a comma-separated list of comma separated list of column names or numbers in any order. By default, all columns are displayed in its existing order. Note that columns are indexed beginning at "1" and exclude any auto-numbered columns. For augment support, use * to represent an augmented column to be added. | columns |