What's New in this Release
Add sub-tasks to an issue scheme
Delegated Project Creator for Jira now allows you to add sub-tasks to an issue scheme. A new issue type option sub-task is available to select when creating a new issue within an issue scheme. When you import issues from a project, the respective task and sub-task relationship is maintained. You can drag and drop these sub-tasks under any task as needed.

Add HTML tags to the
Usage guidance parameter
You can now add HTML tags to the text in the Usage Guidance parameter of the Edit project template window. This enables you to add links or HTML styling and formatting to the text that is displayed to project creators about the project template.

Anchor |
| ConfigureText |
| ConfigureText |
Configure information message to aid project admins during project creation
Administrators can now configure a custom message to appear when users create or request a new project from a template using the Create Project From Template or Request New Project options.

Anchor |
| DisplayProject |
| DisplayProject |
View associated project(s) before deleting an issue scheme
When you delete any issue scheme from the Issue Schemes page, you now see a confirmation message that displays the project template(s) using the respective scheme. Click Yes to confirm deleting the respective issue scheme.