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This page describes considerations for customizing your workflow actions (post-functions).

Writing Post-Functions (Actions)

Post-functions are the workflow actions executed in the final stage of a transition. They have no special return requirements and consistently execute in the context of the transitioned issue.

A post-function may be as simple as:

Code Block
assignee = currentUser();

Or you can add complexity to meet a specific requirement.

Unlike validators and conditions, the post-function is the only place in the workflow where you can modify the issue.


On the Cloud, the only derived parameter is the post-function ID. It is passed as the only parameter in the script execution, allowing you to create decisions.

An example is below:

And the corresponding script:

Code Block

logPrint("ERROR", "Postfunction execution - Current user is :" + currentUser() + " postfunction id:" + argv[0]);

switch(argv[0]) {
    case "e6132922-74c4-4315-84f0-32bcb70cddf4": //this is the first postfunction
        logPrint("ERROR", "This is the end, my only friend " + currentUser());
    case "9c5bbeda-f20c-44ae-bda4-272203e3b412": //this is the second postfunction
        logPrint("ERROR", "The end of our elaborate plans, the end of everything that stands");

The output is (on the ERROR level, where the message was pushed):

Code Block
Postfunction execution - Current user is :6093b81a539c14006ad3c137 postfunction id:e6132922-74c4-4315-84f0-32bcb70cddf4
This is the end, my only friend 6093b81a539c14006ad3c137
Postfunction execution - Current user is :6093b81a539c14006ad3c137 postfunction id:9c5bbeda-f20c-44ae-bda4-272203e3b412
The end of our elaborate plans, the end of everything that stands

Even if the script is the same, the different integration points generate unique IDs (on different transitions and workflows). Therefore, you may use this strategy to apply small changes to the logic depending on your location. However, these IDs are not portable from install to install.

The goal is for this information to assist you in script reusability.

Runtime User & Issue

Post-functions execute with the user activating the transition, no matter if it’s declared as asynchronous or synchronous. If the transition is triggered by another automation or addon not acting as the triggering user, the current user may be null, so you must deal with it programmatically.

Scripts are executed within the issue context.

Return Codes For Post-Functions

Code Block

Note that “return;” ends the program, and any values the script returns are ignored.

Order of the Post-functions

In general, it’s recommended to place post-functions after all standard post-functions. This allows the issue to be re-indexed and the data stored correctly.

The new issue has not been indexed if the post-function is applied to the create transition. Also, the index does not exist until this step runs the first time, and no data may exist for the issue. For these reasons, it is always best for the post-function to come after all standard post-functions.

Notice that even in the same transition, the status is not yet updated (it’s the following action in the list of post-functions). The same may happen for custom fields or system fields, so it is recommended to always move SIL post-functions to the last position in the chain!



When writing post functions, ensure the SIL program is the transition’s last step so Jira creates or updates the issue and saves it to the database before SIL can access it. Unlike the DC and Server products, the Cloud version is limited in altering the UI and providing hints.

As an example, we will reuse the above configuration example:

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However, this time, let’s modify the post-function script to read:

Code Block
logPrint("ERROR", "The status is :" + status); // such a simple script !!

When the issue transitions from the “To Do“ state to the to the “In Progress“ state:

Code Block
The status is :To Do
The status is :In Progress

On Jira Cloud, Atlassian decided to launch all post-functions asynchronously after all the standard actions (post-functions) are executed, no matter what position they have in the workflow!

More, the transition does not wait for the remote post-functions (actions) to finish. You may transition twice an issue, while the post-function linked to the first transition is still running.

Your postfunctions must care about this and you should keep in mind that while your SIL postfunction is running over the snapshot of the issue at the time of triggering, it may not be the reality at the execution time.

Care should also be employed on custom fields values, if they are set by other integrations. Because everything is asynchronous, and Atlassian Jira does not act as a coordinator, but as a trigger-only platform, they may not be set (or set on non-updated values).


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