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Understanding Keychains

The key (excuse the pun) to understanding Reporting is to understand how keychains work.


So in this context, the content:modifier key is calling the modifier parameter from the Content Supplier to find out which user updated the page.

Because the modifier parameter from the Content Supplier returns a User type value, we can then "chain" a parameter from the User Supplier, in this case, the picture parameter, to retrieve the profile image of the user that updated the page. 


  1. First, we'll have to find to ask Reporting to retrieve the title.
    Create a Report Info macro.
    For the Key, type in "content:title"
    This means we're using the Content Supplier to retrieve the properties of Title parameter, which is of the Text type.

  2. You should now have this:

    Image Removed

    Image Added

    which should result in the following text:

    "Chaining Keys with Keychains"

  3. Now that we have the title, let's ask Reporting to actually count the characters in the title.
    Edit the Report Info macro you created.

  4. Amend the Key parameter so it now looks like this: "content:title > text:size"
    This means that we are now passing the value of the content:title to the Text Supplier, to retrieve the Size parameter.

  5. You should now have this:

    Which should result in this:


  6. And now we know that the title of this page (Chaining Keys with Keychains) contains 28 characters, including spaces.


  1. First, let's get Reporting to retrieve the creator name.
    Create a Report Info macro.
    For the Key, type in "content:creator".
    This means we're using the Content Supplier to retrieve the properties of Creator parameter, which is of the User type.
    Let's also make the creator name a hyperlink to his profile by ticking the Link To Item checkbox.

  2. You should now have this:

    Image Removed

    Image Added


    which should result in the following:

    "Ted Mahsun"

  3. Now, create another Report Info macro.
    For the Key, type in "content:creator > user:authored pages count".
    This means that we are now passing the value of the content:creator to the User Supplier, to retrieve the Authored Pages Count parameter.

  4. You should now have this:

    Image Removed

    Image Added

    which should result in this:


  5. Let's make this more readable.
    String the two Report Info macros that you created together with some relevant words to form a sentence.

    For example:

    Image Removed

    Image Added

    which should result in this:

    "Ted Mahsun has written 1137 pages in this Confluence instance."


  1. Create a Report Image macro.

  2. For the Key, type in "content:modifier > user:picture".
    This means we are using the Content Supplier to retrieve the properties of the Modifier parameter (which is of the User type).
    And then we chain that onto the User Supplier to retrieve the properties of the Picture parameter.

  3. You should now have this:

    Image Removed

    Image Added

    which will render this: