Table of Contents |
Manage swimlane visibility. Different filters are available depending on whether your swimlanes are based on individual resources or teams.
Click on the filter to activate/deactivate.
Filter |
Result |
light grey - all resources visible |
dark grey - only resources with tasks visible |
Select which resources you want to see by checking one or more boxes. Anything that doesn't match your selection is hidden:
Unassigned → tasks in the "unassigned" row (tasks haven't been assigned to resources)
Individuals not assigned to a team
Resources assigned to teams
Team View
The following filters narrow the list of Teams and leave the unassigned and summary rows:
Click on the filter to activate/deactivate.
Filter |
Result |
light grey - all teams visible |
dark grey - only teams with tasks visible |
Select which teams you want to see by checking one or more boxes. Anything that doesn't match your selection is hidden:
Unassigned → tasks in the "unassigned" row (tasks haven't been assigned to any team)
Team(s) selection