Button handy |
blank | true |
color | #0052CC |
name | Send Feedback |
link | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmToBe3vynAlb5fdKwCGxYqnTbDc66sIBgeecG2BuFDuHc7g/viewform?entry.2002826954=getIssueTypesInTheSameContext+-+1343619406 |
width | auto |
Table plus |
applyColStyleToCell | true |
heading | 0 |
columnTypes | s,s,s,s |
multiple | false |
columnAttributes | style="background:#e5e7ea;font-weight:bold,,style="background:#e5e7ea;font-weight:bold, |
enableSorting | false |
Syntax | issueKey, customFieldId | Package | | Alias | | Pkg Usage | | |
Excerpt |
Returns the list of issue type names that are included in the same context as the given issue for a certain custom field. Note that if the routine does not return anything then all the issue types are set. You can use the allProjects and getissueTypesForProject routine to determine the full list of issue types.", |
Returns the list of issue types that are included in the same context as the given issue for a certain custom field
Table plus |
applyColStyleToCell | true |
columnTypes | s,s,s,s |
heading | 0 |
multiple | false |
enableSorting | false |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
issueKey | String | Yes | The key of the issue | customfieldId | String | Yes | The id of the custom field (format: customfield_xxxxx) | |
Return Type
String []
Code Block |
getIssueTypesInTheSameContext("ITSD-1", "customfield_10065") |
Code Block |
//global, should return []
return getIssueTypesInTheSameContext("ITSD-1", "customfield_10040"); |
See also
Filter by label (Content by label) |
showLabels | false |
max | 25 |
showSpace | false |
cql | label = "cf_routine" and space = currentSpace ( ) |
labels | array_routines |