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image of chart Custom Charts

Craft custom charts and tables from data filters, with grouping and aggregations.


You can visualize all of your team’s work creating and customizing tables and charts from data, and enhance data analysis and reporting using filters.

View type: table

View the results of your filtered items as a table from the selected board and workspace, where you can select which columns are displayed. Custom Charts tableImage Modified

Group results

Group results by selected columns

If you are familiar with the GROUP BY statement in SQL, you’ll quickly find interesting uses to group the results of your filter. If you select to group the results by the previously selected columns, the result rows will be split into groups based on their values. Only one row will be displayed for each group, so be careful because this implies constraints on the columns. group chart resultsImage Modified

The grouping of columns is combined with aggregations.


Aggregations are also common in the SQL domain. These functions get the values of grouped rows as the input of that function to return a calculated value. This gadget currently supports five functions:

  • Count: Returns the number of rows in that group.

  • Sum: Returns the addition of the sequence of the numbers of the group.

  • Min: Returns the smallest value of the range of values of the group.

  • Max: Returns the largest value of the range of values of the group.

  • Mean: Adds the values of the grouped rows and divides the result by the number of rows being averaged.

a screenshot of the configuration of Dashboard Hub for

Keep in mind that in table views, filtered data (items and columns) can still be accessed through the shared views by technically savvy users, although it is hidden.

However, in Custom Charts filtered out data is not shared in public views! For more information, see this comparison table.

View type: 1D pivot table

The 1D pivot table view shows a perspective on your data in a single dimension (1D) of your dataset.

Users can select a specific attribute or field to act as the basis for organizing and aggregating data. The resulting table presents a clear representation of the chosen dimension, summarizing key metrics and allowing for efficient analysis. 1D pivot tableImage Modified

The elements of the 1D pivot table are as follows:

  • Rows (dimensions):The selected row represents the field used for grouping.

  • Aggregation:Aggregations get the values of grouped rows as the input of that function to return a calculated value. See aggregations.

  • Field:The displayed field values depend on the chosen aggregation type.

View type: 2D pivot table

The 2D pivot table view introduces a second dimension (2D) to expand on the capabilities of the 1D Pivot Table. Select two different fields (rows and columns) to cross-tabulate data to analyze data across both dimensions simultaneously.

2d pivot table

The elements of the 2D pivot table are as follows:

  • Rows (dimensions):The selected row represents the Jira field that is used for grouping.

  • Columns (dimensions):The selected column represents the Jira field that is used for grouping.

  • Aggregation:Aggregations get the values of grouped rows as the input of that function to return a calculated value. See aggregations.

  • Field:The displayed field values depend on the chosen aggregation type.

View type: chart


Remember that:

Chart by: Indicates the dimension or the x-axis values (horizontal axis).

Group by: The second dimension for grouped, stacked, or multi charts.

Aggregation + field: The aggregation you want to apply to the count, sum, max, min, mean fields(see the aggregations section) to plot the values in the chart (y-axis or vertical axis).

Line chart

A line chart represents the results of your filter as a series of data points connected by a straight line. It’s common to visualize trends over periods or dates in the x-axis.

line chart

Multi line chart

This chart is a line chart with more than one line, which is useful when we need to compare data in a time series or trends.

line chart

Tile chart

This visual representation presents the information in a set of tiles. You can display the result of your filter and apply aggregations. For example, you can display the number of requests of each request type of your instance, or display the sum of all the original estimates of the assigned items, by assignee.

tile chart

Bar chart

A bar chart represents the results of your filter as a series of rectangular bars with the height proportional to the represented values. It’s useful to compare results of different types or categories.

For example, Chart by type count, and field status would display a chart where each status would display the number of assigned items:

bar chart

Grouped bar chart

We can perform more complex comparisons of the information returned by our filter by grouping by specific fields. In the previous example, we could add a Group by status, and we’d see the number of items by assignee grouped by the item status:

group by status

Stacked bar chart

Similar to the grouped bar chart, but in this case, the combined results of the groups are on top of each other. The height is the combined result, making it not appropriate for cases with negative values.

stacked bar chart

Pie chart

A pie chart is a visualization of your data in a circular graph, where each slice indicates the quantity of the result of your filter. When a pie chart has several sections or slices, it’s difficult to compare one with another. To overcome this inconvenience, the pie chart comes with a table indicating the values of each slice and the % it represents.

pie chart

Multi pie chart

This chart adds one more dimension to the pie chart, so users can compare sets of information within a single chart. Just add a new field to the Group By to display the values in the second ring. multi pie chartImage Modified

Area chart

An area chart is a visualization that represents the results of your filter as a series of data points connected by a straight line and filled with color beneath it, which can help emphasize the magnitude of the values being represented. An area chart is often used to show trends over time or categories, as well as to compare multiple series of data.

area chart

Stacked area chart

A stacked area chart is a variation of the area chart where the areas are stacked on top of each other instead of being overlaid. Each stack represents a category or a group, and the height of the stack represents the total value of the group. It's useful for showing the relative contribution of each group to the total, as well as for tracking changes in the total over time. However, stacked area charts may not be suitable for displaying negative values, as they can become difficult to read.

stacked area chart


Hide segments

Not all the results are needed when communicating information in a chart, sometimes because one of those values or segments distorts the results or deviates the attention.

Clicking on the (blue star) eye icon, the corresponding segment is hidden (or shown) in the chart:

pie chart with customizations Image Modified

Reorder segments

In the same line of hiding segments or customizing the colors of our charts, rearranging the position of the existing segments or values reinforces the way we transmit the information with our charts.

Just drag and drop any segment or value from the six dots on the left side of the segments and move it upwards or downwards to the correct place, and the chart will be updated accordingly.

pie chart reordered segments Image Modified

Normalized charts

Normalized charts adjust data for fair comparisons, ensuring that segments are proportionate relative to 100%, facilitating accurate insights across varying scales or sizes.

chart view types

Cumulative charts

Cumulative charts show progress over time, revealing trends and cumulative totals effortlessly, illustrating the cumulative impact of actions or metrics over a period.


Name your gadget meaningfully so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:

  • Datasource where the source instance is installed.

  • Workspace, board and filters to narrow the list of items. The gadget will automatically reload upon selecting a filter. Remember that the gadget returns the query results, which are not fixed and could change over time.

  • View Type parameter to indicate the visual representation of the filter results in a table, line chart, tile chart, pie chart, bar chart, area chart, etc.

  • Chart by parameter (just for charts) to select the x-axis value, in other words, what you see in the horizontal axis. These values or concepts are indicated in the chart legend.

  • Aggregation parameter (just for charts) to indicate what type of aggregation you want to apply to the field parameter (count, sum, max, min, mean). Check the aggregations section.

  • Fields parameter (just for charts) to select the y-axis values (vertical axis), think of what you want to count (or any other aggregation), and plot in the chart.

  • Columns (just for the table view) that will appear in the list to display the search results. At least one column has to be present. Drag and drop to reorder the columns.

  • Group results by selected columns (just for the table view) in case you want to group the results of the query by the previously selected columns. The resulting rows the result rows will be split intogroups, based on their values. Check the group results section.

  • The aggregations (just for the table view) in case you need to perform calculations (count, sum, max, min, mean) over the results. Check the aggregations section.

  • Indicate if you want to use the current settings for all the compatible gadgets in the dashboard. This option saves you from configuring each gadget individually.


This gadget is not included in any pre-defined dashboard, check other orphan gadgets:

titleOrphan gadgets
Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "orphan_gadget" and space = currentSpace ( )

See also

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "monday" and space = currentSpace ( )