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titlev7.3.0+ Data center


The Document Approvals Report displays a list of pages and blog posts with associated workflow approval information.

cdmdc_documentapprovalsreport_default_onpage_threeentries.pngImage Modified

The information in the reporting columns for the default report is

  • Page Name - includes a link to the page with the applied workflow with the approval

  • State - workflow state containing the approval

  • Last page update - an avatar for the user last updated the page, the date of the last page update

  • Approval name - the name of the workflow state approval

  • Approvers - avatars of users who have approved or rejected the named approval appended with an icon for their most recent approval decision

  • Pending Approvers - avatars of users assigned to the approval as a reviewer and are yet to undertake an approval decision

  • Status - the approval status and the page version of the latest approved version (if this currently exists) linking to the latest approved page version

One or more filters are available in the report, for example, filter the workflow information based on approval status for a named approval.

Once added to a page, the report macro dynamically updates the displayed information. It's great for keeping track of content workflow approvals across multiple spaces.

If a workflow approval has moved to a new state, the document approvals report does not show the completed approval.

Approvals with a status of Rejected or Approved are only visible if there has not been a transition out of the workflow state where the approval resides.

For instance, if no approval transition has been added for the state, or if multiple approvals are required for the transition to happen.


Anyone can see this report. The report only shows information that matches the current user permissions for the page, blog post, and workflow state

View-only users only see results for content that has reached a Published (final=true) state, even if there are subsequent draft state edits. Content that has not yet been published, or under a workflow that does not define a published state, is not displayed.

Admins can make all results available to everyone by changing the Workflow Activity and Drafts Visibility settings. This can be set in the current space configuration, or for all spaces in an instance in the global configuration.

Adding the report

To add the report to a page select and add the Document Approvals Report macro to a draft page. This done by either

  • selecting Insert Image Modified → Other Macros → Reporting → Document Approvals Report

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  • typing {Document Approvals ... and select Document Approvals Report

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Edit the configuration in the macro in the editor or choose Save to use the default macro settings.

Publish or Update the page to view the default report on the page.

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The default report displays information for current workflow approval for pages and blog posts with an applied workflow in the current space.

Report filters and the Data Refresh option are displayed by moving the mouse over the report entries.

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The Refresh Data option opens the space Refresh Data dashboard. This space dashboard is used to repopulate data properties for pages and blog posts with an applied workflow in the space. This data is used by Comala Document Management in-app reporting tools and reporting macros.

Editing the macro

On the draft page

  • select the macro and choose Edit

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The macro editor displays the document approvals report macro configuration options and a preview of the default document approvals report for workflows applied in the current space.

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In the macro editor, you can configure the report filters and column display settings.

Mouse over the preview to display the on-page filter buttons




Image Added

The filter and display options are alphabetically displayed in the macro editor's left hand scrollable panel.

  • the report filter options are

    • Approval name

    • Approval status (only if approval name is specified)

      • dropdown option to filter approval status: Any; Pending; Approved; Rejected

    • Assignee

      • use @self to display the current user viewing the report reviewer assignments

    • CQL filter

    • Label(s)

      • comma-separated list of one or more labels to filter

      • prefix list with


      • &


      • ampersand to filter requiring a match for all added labels

    • Parent page

      • default is


      • blank

        • sets the space home page as parent page for the report

      • use @self to set current page as parent page for the report

    • Space(s)

      • default is @self for the current space

      • use @all to search all spaces

      • add a comma-separated list of space keys to search selected spaces

    • Workflow(s)

      • comma-separated list of workflow names to filter for the report

The display options for the filtered report are

  • columns displayed

    • by default, the comma-separated list title, state,approvers,pending approvers,last page update,status

documentapprovalareport_macroeditor_extract_columns_info.pngImage Modified
  • Number of items to display, by default, is 20 items per page

On configuring the report macro filters and display options, choose

  • Save to update the macro on the draft page

  • Publish or Update the draft page to add the report on the published page

The report does not list pages with approvals in the Rejected or Approved status if a transition from the workflow state containing the approval has occurred.

Customizing the report

Edit the Document Approvals report macro to customize the report by

  • choosing the information to be displayed in each column of the report

  • adding one or more filters

Reporting columns

All columns are displayed in the default report.

The choice of columns in the displayed report can be customized in the macro editor except for Page Name; State; Last page update. These three columns are always shown in the rendered report and are displayed in the order shown below.

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Report column macro editor

Report Column Heading



Page Name

Name of the page with the applied workflow that includes an approval.


This column is always displayed in the report and is displayed as the first column in the report.



The workflow state that includes the named approval. Entry displays the

  • state name

  • state indicator circle


This column is always displayed in the report and is the second column in the report.

last page update

Last page update

  • Avatar of the user who last updated the page

  • date of last page update


This column is always displayed in the report and is the third column in the report.


Approval Name

Approval name

This is the approval in the workflow state displayed in the same line of the report.



User(s) who have undertaken an approval decision for the named approval

  • user avatar displayed with icon appending depicting the most recent approval decision for that use (tick - approved; cross - rejected)

pending approvers

Pending approvers

User(s) assigned to the approval and have not yet undertaken an approval decision for the named approval

  • user(s) avatar



Approval status

  • Pending

  • Rejected

  • Approved

If a transition to a workflow final state has occurred, the version number for the last approved version is displayed.

  • this version number links to the last approved version of the page

Only the approval status is displayed in the document approvals report macro editor preview.

Report filters

The filters are listed alphabetically in the macro editor.

Report filter setting




Approval name


Name of the approval


Approval status


This only applies if an Approval name filter is specified.

Filter by approval status from dropdown menu options

  • Any

  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Rejected




Name of the user assigned as an approver. Displays only approvals to which the user has been assigned as a reviewer or has already undertaken an approval decisions

  • @self for the current user viewing the report on the page

@self displays only approvals assigned to the user viewing the page with the document approvals report macro

CQL Filter


A comma-separated list of CQL filters - the values must be indexed.

For versions v6.16.7+ the CQL format is Fieldname1=Value 1, FieldName2=Value2


For versions prior to v.6.16.7 filter must be added in the form  FieldName1:Value1, FieldName2:Value2

For CQL field references 

The only workflow CQL searchable fields are those listed in the Comala Document Management CQL Rest API page and Atlassian Confluence CQL fields.




Should the report be filtered by content label(s)?

  • leave empty to include all content

  • specify one label name to filter to that label

  • list multiple label names, separated by commas, to filter to content with any of those labels

If using a list of labels, you can prefix the list with  &(ampersand) to require that content has all the labels. Otherwise, it reports pages containing any of the listed labels.


Number of items to display


The maximum number of results to show per page

  • max is 200


Parent page


  • leave empty to set parent page as home page for the space

  • specify a page title to filter to its child pages

The report does not include the parent page.


The parent parameter accepts the @self value reference.




The comma-separated list of space keys to filter.

  • default is @self for current space

  • list multiple space keys, separated by commas, to report on multiple spaces

  • use @all to search all spaces

Specifying more than one space or all spaces disables live filtering.




Should the report be filtered to a specific state or state(s)?

  • leave empty to report on all states

  • specify one state name to report on that state

  • list multiple state names, separated by commas, to report on specific states



A comma-separated list of one or more workflows to display approval report information.

You can only filter this column on space workflow names. There is no option to filter on the name of a page workflow.

Exporting the page


The document approvals report macro is rendered when a page including the macro is exported to PDF, Word, HTML, or using the macro in a send-email action macro in a workflow trigger.

The document approvals report is also supported when exporting a page using

The following columns (when included in the report macro configuration) are supported when exporting the page.

Report Column Entry

Export render


Page Name

Page title with full link (including host Confluence instance name)



Current state


State indicator circle is not displayed.


Last page update

Date of last page update

  • user name who undertook last update (user avatar is not displayed

  • date, using user preferred date format


Approval name

Approval name (no link)



User(s) who have undertaken an approval decision for the approval

  • username

  • user decision approved/rejected

  • date of the approval/rejection in the user preferred date format


The user avatar and approval decision icon are not displayed.


Pending Approvers

User(s) who have not yet undertaken an approval decision for the approval

  • username


The user avatar is not displayed.



  • Current status of approval

    • Pending

    • Approved*

    • Rejected*

*In most cases, this status is displayed as Pending. as for an Approved status the approval transition has usually taken place. An Approved or Rejected status is only displayed if the state transition has not occurred. For example, if the approval transition has not been added to the state or the state includes a second approval that has yet to be completed.

  • Confluence version number of the last approved version

    • in the format - v17

    • links to the public version of the page (the last version created on the transition to the workflow final state)


When rendering the exported table for the macro the document approval report macro filter settings are used to display the rendered report.

An example of the macro on a page exported to HTML.

document approvals report macro - rendered on page exported to HTMLImage Added

If the column choice exceeds 12, the rendered table may be displayed with columns transposed as rows to ensure fit on the exported page. Export also may generate additional table(s) in the rendered export when there are 12 entries or more.

Send-email trigger export example

The following is an example of a workflow trigger to export the document approvals report on the change of the applied workflow state to Review.

Code Block
        {send-email:user=admin|subject=Doc Approvals Report}

Related pages

Report macros

Child pages (Children Display)




Report Macros


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