Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
string[] users = usersInSpacePermission("PP", "EDITSPACE");


Permission Reference

Permission typeDescription
USECONFLUENCEPermission to use Confluence.
LIMITEDUSECONFLUENCEPermission to limited usage of Confluence.
UPDATEUSERSTATUSPermission to update user status.
VIEWUSERPROFILESPermission to view user profiles.
SYSTEMADMINISTRATORPermission to be a system administrator.
ADMINISTRATECONFLUENCEPermission to be a Confluence administrator.
PERSONALSPACEPermission to work with personal space.
CREATESPACEPermission to create a space.
VIEWSPACEPermission to view a space.
REMOVEOWNCONTENTPermission to remove own content.
COMMENTPermission to add comments.
EDITSPACEPermission to edit a space.
SETSPACEPERMISSIONSPermission to update space permissions.
REMOVEPAGEPermission to remove a page.
REMOVECOMMENTPermission to remove a comment.
REMOVEBLOGPermission to remove a blog.
CREATEATTACHMENTPermission to create an attachment.
REMOVEATTACHMENTPermission to remove an attachment.
EDITBLOGPermission to edit a blog.
EXPORTSPACEPermission to export a space.
REMOVEMAILPermission to remove email.
SETPAGEPERMISSIONSPermission to update page permissions
PROFILEATTACHMENTSPermission to work with profile attachments.

See also

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "user_routines" and space = currentSpace ( )