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Jira Query Language (JQL) allows you to do some advanced searching in Jira's search dialog. This is a very powerful feature provided by Atlassian in Jira. JSU extends JQL with additional placeholders, which will be replaced with the values of the current issue in transition.


See JQL Use Cases for more examples.





the result of your query

JQL in JSU can be very powerful. However, you also must think very carefully, about what values might be used as replacements for the {issue.FIELD NAME} placeholders. Or what happens, if an issue has no value in such a field. There could be quite some variety in the data of your issues.



If you are not careful, the result of such a JQL query unexpectedly might contain thousands of issues. Or the JQL query might fail because the syntax has become invalid after the placeholders had been replaced.



issues allowed

You can set a limit for the maximum number of issues you expect from your JQL query (see also the previous paragraph). If the result of the JQL query returns more issues, JSU will not process anything. JSU is pulling the emergency brake before things get out of control.


By default, this limit is 50. You cannot set any higher limit than 1000.






 Be aware of potential 'JQL injection':
JSU does not check any value that it retrieves from the current issue. A malicious user might craft the value of a field (for example the value of a text field) so that after the replacement it adds additional criteria to your JQL query.

(info) We We recommend that you don’t use any text fields as placeholders, or any other field, in which the user can freely change the text. Only use fields that can contain one/several clearly defined values.

Syntax for


field names

Field names in your JQL should be the same as in the Advanced Search. We suggest using the issue navigator's auto-complete feature to get the correct field names. In Jira's top menu bar, go to Issues > Search for issues, and switch to Advanced search.


  • Approver or  cf[10010]

  • Hosting Server or cf[12910]

  • Date to Join or cf[11000]



If you have several custom fields with the same name, you can only use the cf[12345] notation to refer to one of them.

Syntax for


values of the current



Replaceable value from the current issue must be between curly brackets like


  • {issue.Affects Version/s}

  • {issue.Assignee}

  • {issue.Affects Version/s}

  • {issue.Assignee}

  • {issue.Component/s}

  • {issue.Created}

  • {issue.Creator}

  • {issue.Customer Request Type}

  • {issue.Description}

  • {isseuissue.Due Date}

  • {issue.Environment}

  • {issue.Epic Color}

  • {issue.Epic Name}

  • {issue.Epic Status}

  • {issue.Epic Link}

  • {issue.Fix Version/s}

  • {issue.Issue Key}

  • {issue.Issue Number}

  • {issue.Issue Type}

  • {issue.Labels}

  • {issue.Original Estimate}

  • {issue.Original story points}

  • {issue.Parent}

  • {issue.Priority}

  • {issue.Project}

  • {issue.Rank}

  • {issue.Remaining Estimate}

  • {issue.Reporter}

  • {issue.Request participants}

  • {issue.Resolution}

  • {issue.Resolved}

  • {issue.Security Level}

  • {issue.Sprint}

  • {issue.Status}

  • {issue.Summary}

  • {issue.Time Spent}

  • {issue.Time to resolution}

  • {issue.Updated}

  • {issue.Voters}

  • {issue.Watchers}

  • {issue.Work Ratio}


However, the cf[12345] notation is not supported between curly brackets.(info) If


If you have several custom fields with the same name, you must use the custom field ID.


It's a good idea to check your log files for any errors and warnings from JSU. Even more when you're using complex JQL queries in JSU.
