This article explains how to createate a sub a sub-task using the app Create on Transition - Create Sub-task post function, based on a custom field values presence for value on the respective parent issueparent issue using the Create on Transition app.
You need to add Add a post-function in the workflow associated with the parent issue. To create a the post function:,
- Log into Jira as an Administrator and click > Issues.
- Under the Workflows section, select the intended workflow and click the Edit link.
- Select the transition to which you wish to add the post-function. Select the Post Function option as the following:
- Click the Add Post Function link and select Create Sub-task from the available options.
- Once you add all the required fields to the post function, you see that the post function is added to the post functions list as the following:
- Click Update and publish the workflow.
- Once the post function is created for the required transition along with both custom field values presence, you notice that a sub-task is created for the issue.
- Go to the desired Project > project's Workflow > respective post function
- If the post function already exists then proceed to step:# 5.
- If there is no post function configured then follow the steps from step# 3.
- Edit the workflow and go to the transition, where you want to add the Create on Transition post function.
- Click Add post function and select Bob Swift's Create Sub-task post function.
- The post function will have the following condition and regex value along with the other values.
Condition value as %original_customfield_11002%, %original_customfield_11001% where 11002 and 11001 are the custom field ids.
Regex pattern will contain the value, Here, for example, Yes|No for the first condition and UAT|Production for the second condition. - Click Update to save the settings.
- Publish the Workflow.
- Go to any Jira Issue and provide the custom field values Production and Yes and perform the transition. After the transition happens, a sub-task will be created as shown below.
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