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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

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ACLI:Shared - Documentation
ACLI:Shared - Documentation




Action, Category, Description, Required parameters, Optional parameters, Output formats
"[#addComment] {anchor: addComment}", "Comments", "Add a comment to a build.", "[#build], [#comment]", "[#number], [#findReplace], [#file], [#encoding]", 
"[#addLabels] {anchor: addLabels}", "Labels", "Add a comma separated list of labels to a build.", "[#build], [#labels]", "[#number]", 
"[#addTask] {anchor: addTask}", , "Add a task to a build plan job. Bamboo 3.3 and above.", "[#plan], [#job], [#taskKey]", "[#fields], [#field1], [#value1], [#field2], [#value2], [#field3], [#value3], [#field4], [#value4]", 
"[#clonePlan] {anchor: clonePlan}", "Plans", "Clone a build plan.", "[#plan], [#toPlan]", "[#name], [#description],", 
"[#cloneProject] {anchor: cloneProject}", "Projects", "Clone each build plan in a project to another project.", "[#project], [#toProject]", , 
"[#deletePlan] {anchor: deletePlan}", "Plans", "Delete a build plan.", "[#plan]", , 
"[#deleteProject] {anchor: deleteProject}", "Projects", "Delete project and all project plans.", "[#project]", "[#file]", 
"[#disablePlan] {anchor: disablePlan}", "Plans", "Disable a build plan from running.", "[#plan]", , 
"[#disableProject] {anchor: disableProject}", "Projects", "Disable all project plans.", "[#project]", , 
"[#enablePlan] {anchor: enablePlan}", "Plans", "Enable a build plan to run.", "[#plan]", , 
"[#enableProject] {anchor: enableProject}", "Projects", "Enable all project plans.", "[#project]", , 
"[#getArtifact] {anchor: getArtifact}", "Artifacts", "Download a copy of a build artifact into a file.", "[#build], [#artifact], [#file]", "[#number]", 
"[#getBuildList] {anchor: getBuildList}", "Lists", "Get a list of builds.", , "[#file], [#attribute], [#favourite], [#expand], [#labels], [#issues]", 
"[#getBuildQueueList] {anchor: getBuildQueueList}", "Lists", "Get a list of builds waiting in the build queue. Subset by project or build.", , "[#project], [#build], [#file]", 
"[#getBuild] {anchor: getBuild}", "Builds", "Get build result.", "[#build]", "[#number], [#expand], [#file]", 
"[#getClientInfo] {anchor: getClientInfo}", "Info", "Get information about the this client tool.", , , 
"[#getCommentList] {anchor: getCommentList}", "Lists", "Get a list of comments for a build.", "[#build]", "[#number], [#file]", 
"[#getLabelList] {anchor: getLabelList}", "Lists", "Get a list of labels for a build.", "[#build]", "[#number], [#file]", 
"[#getLatestBuildNumber] {anchor: getLatestBuildNumber}", "Builds", "Get the number of the last completed build.", "[#build]", , 
"[#getLatestBuildResults] {anchor: getLatestBuildResults}", "Builds", "Get build results for a build or project.", "[#build] or [#project]", "[#file]", 
"[#getPlanList] {anchor: getPlanList}", "Lists", "Get a list of build plans.", , "[#project], [#favourite], [#file], [#attribute], [#expand]", 
"[#getPlan] {anchor: getPlan}", "Plans", "Get build plan information.", "[#plan]", , 
"[#getProjectList] {anchor: getProjectList}", "Lists", "Get a list of projects.", , "[#file], [#attribute], [#expand]", 
"[#getProject] {anchor: getProject}", "Projects", "Get project information.", "[#project]", "[#file]", 
"[#getServerInfo] {anchor: getServerInfo}", "Info", "Get information about the Bamboo server.", , , 
"[#login] {anchor: login}", "Misc", "Login to remote server. Returns login token.", "[#password]", "[#user]", 
"[#logout] {anchor: logout}", "Misc", "Logout of remote server.", , , 
"[#queueBuild] {anchor: queueBuild}", "Builds", "Queue a build to run. Specify build key.", "[#build]", "[#wait], [#timeout], [#fields], [#field1], [#value1], [#field2], [#value2], [#field3], [#value3], [#field4], [#value4]", 
"[#removeLabels] {anchor: removeLabels}", "Labels", "Delete labels from a build. Labels can be a comma separated list or regex. Either build or search terms         (searchLabels, issues) must be provided", "[#labels]", "[#build], [#number], [#searchLabels], [#issues], [#favourite]", 
"[#removeTask] {anchor: removeTask}", , "Remove a task from a build plan job. Bamboo 3.3 and above.", "[#plan], [#job], [#id]", , 
"[#renderRequest] {anchor: renderRequest}", "Render", "Render url based request.", "[#request]", "[#requestParameters], [#build], [#file], [#encoding]", 
"[#runFromCsv] {anchor: runFromCsv}", "Run", "Run script generated from a CSV file.", "[#file]", "[#common], [#propertyFile], [#continue], [#quiet], [#simulate], [#encoding], [#findReplace]", 
"[#runFromSql] {anchor: runFromSql}", "Run", "Run script SQL provided by the sql parameter, a file, or standard input", "[#sql] or [#file] or standard input", "[#common], [#host], [#driver], [#database], host, [#port], [#url], [#dbUser], [#dbPassword],         	 [#propertyFile], [#continue], [#simulate], [#encoding], [#findReplace]", 
"[#run] {anchor: run}", "Run", "Run script from a file or standard input.", "[#file]", "[#common], [#continue], [#simulate], [#encoding], [#findReplace]", 
"[#triggerBuild] {anchor: triggerBuild}", "Builds", "Triggers a build if there are source changes.", "[#build]", , 
"[#updateTask] {anchor: updateTask}", , "Update a task in a build plan job. Bamboo 3.3 and above.", "[#plan], [#job], [#id]", "[#fields], [#field1], [#value1], [#field2], [#value2], [#field3], [#value3], [#field4], [#value4]", 
"[#verifyBuild] {anchor: verifyBuild}", "Builds", "Verify build was successful.", "[#build]", "[#number]", 



Include Page
ACLI:Shared - tips for documentation
ACLI:Shared - tips for documentation

Wiki Markup
Parameter, Short, Value, Description
"action {anchor:action}", "a", "(/)", 
"api {anchor:api}", , "(/)", "API version. Some requests produce different results based on the api version used. Use 0 for latest. (default: 0)"
"artifact {anchor:artifact}", , "(/)", "Build artifact name."
"attribute {anchor:attribute}", , "(/)", "Attribute to list."
"build {anchor:build}", , "(/)", "Build key. Optionally, for some actions, may contain build number. Example: XXX-DEF or XXX-DEF-1"
"comment {anchor:comment}", , "(/)", "Comment for an build"
"common {anchor:common}", , "(/)", "Common parameter string added to all run actions."
"continue {anchor:continue}", , "(x)", "Continue processing even after errors are encountered."
"database {anchor:database}", , "(/)", "Database name is required for SQL actions."
"dbPassword {anchor:dbPassword}", , "(/)", "Database user password. Defaults to password."
"dbUser {anchor:dbUser}", , "(/)", "Database user name. Defaults to user."
"debug {anchor:debug}", , "(x)", "Requests detail debug output. Optional for all actions."
"description {anchor:description}", , "(/)", "Build plan description."
"driver {anchor:driver}", , "(/)", "JDBC driver class or predefined value: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, or db2400. Required for SQL actions."
"encoding {anchor:encoding}", , "(/)", "Character encoding (character set) for text based file content - must be an encoding supported by your JAVA platform."
"expand {anchor:expand}", , "(/)", "Expanded request information to obtain more detailed data on request."
"favourite {anchor:favourite}", , "(x)", "Subset to favourites."
"field1 {anchor:field1}", , "(/)", "Task specific field or build variable name. Complements the fields parameter. Value is specified by the value1 parameter."
"field2 {anchor:field2}", , "(/)", "Task specific field or build variable name. Complements the fields parameter. Value is specified by the value2 parameter."
"field3 {anchor:field3}", , "(/)", "Task specific field or build variable name. Complements the fields parameter. Value is specified by the value3 parameter."
"field4 {anchor:field4}", , "(/)", "Task specific field or build variable name. Complements the fields parameter. Value is specified by the value4 parameter."
"fields {anchor:fields}", , "(/)", "Use to specify task specific fields or build variables and their values. A comma separated list of key:value pairs. Single         quote the key:value pair if it contains a comma (,) or line breaks."
"file {anchor:file}", "f", "(/)", "Path to file based content or result output"
"findReplace {anchor:findReplace}", , "(/)", "Find and replace text. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded         quotes must be doubled."
"findReplaceRegex {anchor:findReplaceRegex}", , "(/)", "Find and replace text with a regular expression. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values         containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled."
"help {anchor:help}", , "(x)", "Prints this help message."
"host {anchor:host}", , "(/)", "Database host server for SQL actions. Not used if url is provided. (default: localhost)"
"id {anchor:id}", , "(/)", "Task id."
"issues {anchor:issues}", , "(/)", "Comma separated list of JIRA issue keys."
"job {anchor:job}", , "(/)", "Job key. Example: JOB1"
"labels {anchor:labels}", , "(/)", "Comma or blank separated list of labels."
"login {anchor:login}", , "(/)", "Login token from previous login request."
"loginFromStandardInput {anchor:loginFromStandardInput}", "l", "(x)", "Get login token from standard input."
"name {anchor:name}", , "(/)", "Build plan name."
"number {anchor:number}", , "(/)", "Build number. Defaults to latest. (default: 0)"
"outputFormat {anchor:outputFormat}", , "(/)", "Specify output format for an action. (default: 1)"
"password {anchor:password}", "p", "(/)", "User password for remote login."
"plan {anchor:plan}", , "(/)", "Build plan key containing the project key.  Example: XXX-DEF"
"port {anchor:port}", , "(/)", "Database host port for SQL actions. Optional, defaults to database default. Not used if url is provided."
"project {anchor:project}", , "(/)", "Project key. Example: XXX"
"propertyFile {anchor:propertyFile}", , "(/)", "Property file with mapping information."
"quiet {anchor:quiet}", , "(x)", "Limit some output messages. Optional for all actions."
"request {anchor:request}", , "(/)", "URL fragment for a request."
"requestParameters {anchor:requestParameters}", , "(/)", "URL request parameters"
"searchLabels {anchor:searchLabels}", , "(/)", "Comma or blank separated list of labels used for search."
"server {anchor:server}", "s", "(/)", "Server URL."
"service {anchor:service}", , "(/)", "Service address extension. (default: /rest/api)"
"simulate {anchor:simulate}", , "(x)", "Simulate running actions. Log the action that would be taken."
"sql {anchor:sql}", , "(/)", "SQL select statement used to generate a run script."
"taskKey {anchor:taskKey}", , "(/)", "Task key. Example: com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script"
"timeout {anchor:timeout}", , "(/)", "Wait timeout in seconds. Use -1 to wait forever. (default: -1)"
"toPlan {anchor:toPlan}", , "(/)", "Build plan key to be created. Example: XXX-DEF"
"toProject {anchor:toProject}", , "(/)", "Project key to clone to."
"url {anchor:url}", , "(/)", "Action specific setting. Example: Database access url for SQL actions. Optional when host is provided."
"user {anchor:user}", "u", "(/)", "User name for remote login. (default: automation)"
"value1 {anchor:value1}", , "(/)", "Value corresponding to the field1 parameter name."
"value2 {anchor:value2}", , "(/)", "Value corresponding to the field2 parameter name."
"value3 {anchor:value3}", , "(/)", "Value corresponding to the field3 parameter name."
"value4 {anchor:value4}", , "(/)", "Value corresponding to the field4 parameter name."
"verbose {anchor:verbose}", "v", "(x)", "Requests verbose output to help with problem determination. Optional for all actions."
"wait {anchor:wait}", , "(x)", "Wait for action to complete."