Description | Create a new issue by copying an existing issue. By default, if the issue is a subtask, it will be cloned to the same parent. Specifying the parent parameter will allow a subtask to be cloned to a different parent. By default, cloned issue is not linked to the original issue. For example, adding '--link Cloners' will add the normal clone link. Other field setting parameters can be specified to override the setting copied from the base issue just like on the createIssue action. Use '--options continueWithDefault' to default assignee and reporter when the current value is invalid for the new cloned issue. |
Required Parameters | issue |
Optional Parameters | parent, link, issueType, type, summary, resolution, labels, comment, group, role, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, lookup, date, dateFormat, autoVersion, autoComponent, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding, toProject, reference, copyLinks, copyRemoteLinks, copyAttachments, copyComments, copyWatchers, copySubtasks, copyEstimates, copySubtaskEstimates, copyWork, copyProperties, useParentVersions, useParentReporter, fieldExcludes, propertyPrefix |
Type | Create |
Category | Issues |
Output Formats | |
Replacement Variables | clone, cloneId, cloneUrl |
Hosting | cloud,server,datacenter |
Since Version | |
Examples | cloneIssue |