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  bamboo (-a|--action) <action> [(-f|--file) <file>] [--encoding <encoding>] [--debug] [-v|--verbose] [--quiet] [--outputFormat
  <outputFormat>] [--columns <columns>] [--connectionTimeout <connectionTimeout>] [--sql <sql>] [--driver <driver>] [--url <url>]
  [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--database <database>] [--dbUser <dbUser>] [--dbPassword <dbPassword>] [--dbJar <dbJar>]
  [--afterSql <afterSql>] [--dbTable <dbTable>] [--dbTableKeys <dbTableKeys>] [--dbCreateTable] [--comment <comment>] [--replace]
  [--propertyFile <propertyFile>] [--common <common>] [--special <special>] [--dateFormat <dateFormat>] [--dateFormat2 <dateFormat2>]
  [--reference <reference>] [--findReplace <findReplace>]   [--findReplaceRegex <findReplaceRegex>] [--list <list>] [--list2 <list2>]
  [--options <options>] [--continue] [--simulate] [--append] [--clearFileBeforeAppend] (-s|--server)
  <server> (-u|--user) <user>
  (-p|--password) <password> [--serviceapi <service><api>] [--apiservice <api><service>] [--cookies <cookies>] [--project   <project>] [--toProject <toProject>]
  [--projectName <projectName>] [--builddeploymentProject <build><deploymentProject>] [--planenvironment <plan><environment>] [--toPlan version <version>] [--build
  <build>] [--plan <plan>] [--toPlan <toPlan>] [--stage
  <stage>] [--job <job>] [--task <task>] [--branch <branch>] [--name <name>]
  [--description <description>] [--agent <agent>] [--assignment <assignment>] [--artifact   <artifact>] [--requirement <requirement>]
  [--type <type>] [--value <value>] [--labels <labels>] [--searchLabels <searchLabels>]   [--issues <issues>] [--expand <expand>]
  [--attribute <attribute>] [--comment <comment>] [--revision <revision>] [--location
  <location>] [--copyPattern <copyPattern>] [--repository <repository>]
[--after <after>] [--schedule <schedule>] [--taskKey
  <taskKey>] [--repositoryKey <repositoryKey>] [--event <event>] [--recipientType <recipientType>]
  [--fieldsrecipient <fields><recipient>] [--childPlans <childPlans>] [--ipRestriction <ipRestriction>] [--fields <fields>] [--field1 <field1>]
  [--field2 <field2>] [--field3 <field3>] [--field4 <field4>] [--field5
  <field5>] [--field6 <field6>] [--field7 <field7>] [--field8
  <field8>] [--value1 <value1>] [--value2 <value2>] [--value3 <value3>]   [--value4 <value4>] [--value5 <value5>] [--value6 <value6>]
  [--value7 <value7>] [--value8 <value8>] [--regexafter <regex><after>] [--requestbefore   <request><before>] [--requestParameters <requestParameters>final] [--requestType regex <regex>] [--request <request>]
  [--requestParameters <requestParameters>] [--requestType <requestType>] [--acceptType <acceptType>] [--id <id>] [--number <number>]
 <number>] [--timeout <timeout>] [--limit <limit>] [--wait] [--favourite] [--favorite] [--replaceenable] [--enabledisable] [--disableexcludeEnabled]
  [--excludeEnabledexcludeDisabled] [--excludeDisabledmanual] [--manualautomatic] [--shared] [--cleanAfter] [--help]

	Provides capability to make requests to a remote server.
	Required parameters: action, server, password.
	Optional parameters: user (likely required for your installation).
	Other required and optional parameters depending on action requested.

  (-a|--action) <action>
        Requested operation to perform. Valid actions are listed at the end.

  [(-f|--file) <file>]
        Path to file based content or result output. Use - for standard input.

  [--encoding <encoding>]
        Character encoding (character set) for text based file content - must be an encoding supported by your JAVA platform.

        Requests detail debug output. Optional for all actions.

        Requests verbose output to help with problem determination. Optional for all actions.

        Limit some output messages. Optional for all actions.

  [--outputFormat <outputFormat>]
        Specify output format for an action. (default: 1)

  [--columns <columns>]
        Column selection and ordering when action generates CSV output. A comma separated list of column numbers (1-based) or column
        names (case insensitive). Only columns provided by the selected outputFormat are available for selection. Invalid columns
        will be ignored.

  [--connectionTimeout <connectionTimeout>]
        Allow overriding environment settings for connect and read timeouts on URL connections. In milliseconds, 0 means infinite.

  [--sql <sql>]
        SQL select statement used to generate a run script.

  [--driver <driver>]
        JDBC driver class or predefined value: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, or db2400. Required for SQL actions.

  [--url <url>]
        Action specific setting. Example: Database access url for SQL actions. Optional when host is provided.

  [--host <host>]
        Database host server for SQL actions. Not used if url is provided. (default:Defaults to localhost) if not provided.

  [--port <port>]
        Database host port for SQL actions. Optional, defaults to database default. Not used if url is provided.

  [--database <database>]
        Database name is required for SQL actions.

  [--dbUser <dbUser>]
        Database user name. Defaults to user.

  [--dbPassword <dbPassword>]
        Database user password. Defaults to password.

  [--dbJar <dbJar>]
        By default, lib/jdbc is used to automatically load database drivers. Otherwise you can specify a specific file or url
        reference for the database driver jar. Example /jdbcDrivers/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar or

  [--propertyFileafterSql <propertyFile>]<afterSql>]
        SQL to run after a successful action. Limited to Propertyspecific fileactions withat mappingthis informationtime.

  [--commondbTable <common><dbTable>]
        Database table Common parameter string added to all run actionsname when creating or updating a database from list output.

  [--specialdbTableKeys <special><dbTableKeys>]
        Comma Orderedseparated list of alternate characters for comma ( , ), colon ( : ), at ( @ ), quote ( ' ), and double quote ( " ) characters column names used to access existing rows for update. Normally this defines a primary key set for
        the table.

        Database usedtable forneeds specializedto processingbe ofcreated somebefore specificadding parametersrows.

  [--dateFormatcomment <dateFormat><comment>]
        Format string for date in Java SimpleDateFormat, default is client date formatComment text.

  [--findReplace <findReplace>replace]
        Find and replace text. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded
        quotes must be escapedReplace existing entity on add, create, or similar actions.

  [--propertyFile <propertyFile>]
        Property file with database parameters, field mappings, or client specific information.

  [--findReplaceRegexcommon <findReplaceRegex><common>]
        FindCommon andparameter replacestring textadded withto aall regularrun expressionactions.
separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values[--special <special>]
        Ordered list of alternate characters containingfor acomma delimiter.( Embedded, quotes), mustcolon be( escaped.

  [--list <list>]
        Comma separated list of entries. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled: ), at ( @ ), quote ( ' ), and double quote ( " ) characters
        used for specialized processing of some specific parameters.

  [--continuedateFormat <dateFormat>]
        Format Continuestring processingfor evendates afterin errorsJava areSimpleDateFormat. encounteredDefault for runoutput Alsoclient useddate forformat. someDefault actionfor todate ignoreparsing certainis
errors        lenient likestarting notwith foundclient errorsdate onformat removeand actions.then some other standard formats based on JSON date format.

  [--simulatedateFormat2 <dateFormat2>]
        Alternate Simulateformat runningstring actions.for Logdates thein actionJava thatSimpleDateFormat. wouldUse bespecific taken.(may be ignored), but [--append]normally used for date only
    For some actions using thefields fileto parameter,avoid appendlonger willdateFormat appendbased output. Some touses thedefault existing fileto yyyy-MM-dd.

  [--clearFileBeforeAppendreference <reference>]
        ForReference to runa actions,replacement thiskey optionvalue willused automaticallyto clearremember an existingaction filespecific onvalue thelike firstissue appendkey requested.or similar so  (-s|--server) <server>it can be
        Serverreferenced URL. Normally the base URL of the server and the same as how the server is accessed from a browserlater.Each action that allows this parameter will specify what value is being set for the reference replacement

  (-u|[--user)findReplace <user><findReplace>]
        UserFind nameand forreplace remote accesstext. (default: automation)

  (-p|--password) <password>
    Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded
    User    passwordquotes formust remotebe accessescaped.

  [--servicefindReplaceRegex <service><findReplaceRegex>]
        ServiceFind and addressreplace extension. (default: /rest/api)

  [--api <api>]
        API version. Some requests produce different results based on the api version used. (default: latest)text with a regular expression. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values
        containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled.

  [--cookieslist <cookies><list>]
        NameComma separated list of fileentries to restorepopulate andthe persistentry cookiesreplacement acrossvariable invocations of CLI actionson runFromList. CanSingle bequote usedvalues tocontaining provide Dataa
Center session       delimiter. Embedded affinityquotes formust actions using REST APIsbe doubled.

  [--projectlist2 <project><list2>]
        ProjectComma key.separated Example:list XXXof entries to populate [--toProject <toProject>]
        Project key to clone to.the entry2 replacement variable on runFromList. Single quote values containing a
     [--projectName <projectName>]  delimiter. Embedded quotes must be   Project namedoubled.

  [--buildoptions <build><options>]
        BuildComma key.separated Normallylist usedof tosupport, referexperimental, toor aother specificclient buildor (3action partspecific name)options.
it was also[--continue]
an older terminology for a plan   Continue processing even after errors are andencountered somefor actionrun continueactions. toAlso acceptused thefor oldersome terminology.action Example: XXX-DEF or XXX-DEF-1to ignore certain errors
   [--plan <plan>]    like not found errors on Planremove keyactions.
the project key. Preferred way to reference a plan instead of the older build terminology. Example:
        XXX-DEF [--simulate]
        Simulate running actions. Log the action that would be taken.

  [--toPlan <toPlan>append]
        PlanFor keysome toactions beusing created.the Example: XXX-DEF

  [--stage <stage>]
        Stage namefile parameter, append will append output to the existing file.

  [--job <job>clearFileBeforeAppend]
        JobFor key. Example: JOB1

  [--name <name>]
        Name of entity, like plan name.

  [--description <description>]
        Description for entity.

  [--agent <agent>]
        Agent name.

  [--assignment <assignment>]
        Key used to identify a project, plan, or job to be assigned to a specific agent. This makes the agent dedicated to only
  run actions, this option will automatically clear an existing file on the first append requested.

  (-s|--server) <server>
        Server URL. Normally the base URL of the server and the same as how the server is accessed from a browser.

  (-u|--user) <user>
        User name for remote access. (default: automation)

  (-p|--password) <password>
        User password for remote access.

  [--api <api>]
     perform builds for allAPI assignmentsversion. Some Example:requests XXX, XXX-DEF, XXX-DEF-JOB1produce different results based on the api version used. (default: latest)

  [--artifactservice <artifact><service>]
        BuildService artifactaddress nameextension. May be extended by a path name for locating files within an artifact representing a dirctory.

  [--requirement <requirement>]
        Plan requirement key, either a custom key or a system capability key like: system.builder.ant.Ant(default: /rest/api)

  [--cookies <cookies>]
        Name of file to restore and persist cookies across invocations of CLI actions. Can be used to provide Data Center session
        affinity for actions using REST APIs.

  [--typeproject <type><project>]
        RequirementProject match typekey. ValuesExample: exist, equal, match. Also, content type for renderRequest. (default: exist)


  [--valuetoProject <value><toProject>]
        Project key Requirementto matchclone valueto.

  [--labelsprojectName <labels><projectName>]
        Comma or blank separated list of labelsProject name.

  [--searchLabelsdeploymentProject <searchLabels><deploymentProject>]
        CommaDeployment orproject blankname separated list of labels used for searchor id.

  [--issuesenvironment <issues><environment>]
        CommaDeployment separatedenvironment listname of JIRA issue keysor id.

  [--expandversion <expand><version>]
        ExpandedVersion requestname informationfor todeployment.
more detailed data on request.[--build <build>]
    [--attribute <attribute>]   Build key. Normally used to  Attributerefer to list.a specific build  [--comment <comment>]
        Comment for an build.(3 or 4 part name). However, it was also an older terminology for a
    [--revision <revision>]   plan and some action continue to Revisionaccept idthe orolder tagterminology. Example: XXX-DEF or [XXX-DEF-location1
  [--plan <plan>]
     Working directory relative pathPlan tokey acontaining sourcethe locationproject forkey. anPreferred artifactway definitionto orreference a destination location for an artifactplan instead of the older build terminology. Example:

  [--copyPatterntoPlan <copyPattern><toPlan>]
        Plan Copykey patternto forbe ancreated. artifact definition.Example: XXX-DEF

  [--repositorystage <repository><stage>]
        Name of a repositoryStage name.
some cases, a comma separated list of repository names. [--job <job>]
        [--after <after>]
 Job key. Example: JOB1

  [--task <task>]
  Used     in orderRepositoryTask toid, name the repository after which the repository will be positioned.

  [--schedule <schedule>]
, or description. Task ids are unique, but names and descriptions are not. Name and description lookup is done
       Cron, dailyby time,finding orthe periodicfirst schedule.match Ain cronthe scheduleordered musttask belist.
cron expresssions and defaults to 0 0 0 ? * *. A daily
[--branch <branch>]
        Branch name.

  [--name <name>]
  time is a 24 hour format (HH:mm) value. A periodic schedule is a numeric value in seconds and defaults to 180 Name of entity, like plan name.

  [--description <description>]
        Description for entity.

  [--taskKeyagent <taskKey><agent>]
        Task key. Example: com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.scriptAgent name.

  [--repositoryKeyassignment <repositoryKey><assignment>]
        Key used to  Repository key that uniquely identifies the repository type. Example:
        com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.atlassian-bamboo-plugin-mercurial:hgidentify a project, plan, or job to be assigned to a specific agent. This makes the agent dedicated to only
        perform builds for all assignments.  Example: XXX, XXX-DEF, XXX-DEF-JOB1

  [--eventartifact <event><artifact>]
        EventBuild aliasartifact or keyname. Add-onsMay providebe events identifiedextended by key.a Examplepath key:name for locating files within an artifact representing a com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.system.notifications:chainCompleted.failedChainsdirctory.

  [--recipientTyperequirement <recipientType><requirement>]
        RecipientPlan typerequirement aliaskey, oreither key. Add-ons provide recipient types identified by key. Example key:
        com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-hipchat:recipient.hipchata custom key or a system capability key like: system.builder.ant.Ant.

  [--fieldstype <fields><type>]
        UseRequirement tomatch specifytype. taskValues: or repository specific fields or variables and their values. A comma separated list of key:value pairs.exist (default), equal, match. Also, content type for renderRequest and trigger type for
        addTrigger. (default: )
quote the key:[--value pair<value>]
if it contains a comma (,) or line breaks.Requirement match value.

  [--ipRestrictionlabels <ipRestriction><labels>]
        Comma or blank separated list of IP addresses to restrict ability to remotely trigger buildslabels.

  [--field1searchLabels <field1><searchLabels>]
        Construct specificComma field or variableblank name.separated Valuelist isof specifiedlabels byused thefor value1 parametersearch.

  [--field2issues <field2><issues>]
        ConstructComma specificseparated fieldlist orof variableJIRA name. Value is specified by the value2 parameterissue keys.

  [--field3expand <field3><expand>]
        ConstructExpanded specificrequest fieldinformation orto variableobtain name.more Valuedetailed isdata specifiedon byrequest.
value3 parameter.

  [--field4attribute <field4><attribute>]
        ConstructAttribute specific field or variable nameto list.
is specified by the value4 parameter.[--revision <revision>]
     [--field5 <field5>]  Revision id or tag.

  Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value5 parameter.

  [--field6 <field6>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value6 parameter[--location <location>]
        Working directory relative path to a source location for an artifact definition or a destination location for an artifact

  [--field7copyPattern <field7><copyPattern>]
        ConstructCopy specificpattern fieldfor oran variable name. Value is specified by the value7 parameterartifact definition.

  [--field8repository <field8><repository>]
        Name Constructof specifica fieldrepository. orIn variablesome name.cases, Valuea iscomma specifiedseparated bylist theof value8repository parameternames.

  [--value1schedule <value1><schedule>]
        ValueCron, correspondingdaily totime, theor field1periodic parameter nameschedule. A cron schedule [--value2 <value2>]
        Value corresponding to the field2 parameter name.

  [--value3 <value3>]
        Value corresponding to the field3 parameter namemust be valid cron expresssions and defaults to 0 0 0 ? * *. A daily
        time is a 24 hour format (HH:mm) value. A periodic schedule is a numeric value in seconds and defaults to 180.

  [--value4taskKey <value4><taskKey>]
        Value corresponding to the field4 parameter name.

  [--value5 <value5>]Task key. Example: com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script.An alias can also be used to make it easier
        and less Valueerror correspondingprone. toSee theaddTask field5for parameterthe namelist.

  [--value6repositoryKey <value6><repositoryKey>]
        ValueRepository correspondingkey tothat uniquely identifies the field6 parameter name. repository type. Example:

  [--value7event <value7><event>]
        ValueEvent correspondingalias to the field7 parameter name.

  [--value8 <value8>]
        Value corresponding to the field8 parameter name.or key. Add-ons provide events identified by key. Example key:

  [--regexrecipientType <regex><recipientType>]
        RegularRecipient expressiontype foralias listor filtering and similar. Also for pattern match labelling.

  [--request <request>]key. Add-ons provide recipient types identified by key. Example key:

  URL fragment for a request.[--recipient <recipient>]
        [--requestParameters <requestParameters>]
        URL request parameters

  [--requestType <requestType>]Recipient value for add notifications. Many recipient types need a primary recipient value. This parameter can be used
        Typeinstead of setting a renderrecipient requesttype likespecific GETfield orand POSTvalue.

  [--acceptTypechildPlans <acceptType><childPlans>]
        ContentComma typeseparated tolist acceptof plan forkeys renderRequestthat ifrepresent differentchild thanplan typedependencies.

  [--idipRestriction <id><ipRestriction>]
        StageComma orseparated tasklist id.of IP addresses to [--number <number>]
   restrict ability to remotely trigger builds.

   Build number. Defaults to latest. (default: 0)[--fields <fields>]
       [--timeout <timeout>]
        Wait timeout in seconds. Use -1 to wait forever. (default: -1)

  [--limit <limit>]
        Maximum number of entries to return. (default: 2147483647) Use to specify task or repository specific fields or variables and their values. A comma separated list of key:value pairs.
        Single quote the key:value pair if it contains a comma (,) or line breaks.

  [--waitfield1 <field1>]
        Construct Waitspecific forfield actionor tovariable completename. Value is specified [--favourite]by the value1 parameter.

  [--field2 <field2>]
Subset to favourites. Same as favorite.   Construct [--favorite]specific field or variable name. Value is specified by Subsetthe tovalue2 favoritesparameter.
as favourite. 
  [--replacefield3 <field3>]
        ReplaceConstruct specific existingfield entity.or variable name. Value [--enable]is specified by the      Enable an entity when updatingvalue3 parameter.

  [--disablefield4 <field4>]
        DisableConstruct specific anfield entityor forvariable thosename. entitiesValue likeis plans,specified stages,by jobs,the andvalue4 tasksparameter.

  [--excludeEnabled]field5 <field5>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value Filteris outspecified entriesby thatthe arevalue5 enabledparameter.

  [--excludeDisabledfield6 <field6>]
        FilterConstruct outspecific entriesfield thator arevariable disabledname. Value is specified [--manual]by the value6 parameter.

  [--field7 <field7>]
        Construct specific field or variable Indicate that a stage be run manuallyname. Value is specified by the value7 parameter.

  [--sharedfield8 <field8>]
        For an artifact definition, makes the artifact available for other buildsConstruct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value8 parameter.

  [--cleanAftervalue1 <value1>]
        CleanValue workingcorresponding directoryto afterthe eachfield1 job completes. Use on setJobOptionsparameter name.

  [--helpvalue2 <value2>]
        PrintsValue thiscorresponding helpto message.the field2 parameter Validname.
(case insensitive):

run - Run actions from a file or standard input.
	 Required parameters: file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromSql - Run actions generated by SQL provided by the sql parameter, a file, or standard input
	 Required parameters: sql or file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser, dbPassword,
	 propertyFile, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromCsv - Run actions generated from a CSV file.
	 Required parameters: file
	 Optional parameters: common, propertyFile, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromList - Run actions for each entry in a list.
	 When file is provided, each action in the file augmented by the common parameter will be run for each entry.
	 Otherwise, just the action specified by the common parameter will be run.
	 Available replacement variable is entry.
	 Required parameters: list
	 Optional parameters: file, common, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getClientInfo - Get information about the this client tool.
	 Optional parameters: outputFormat, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - JVM
getServerInfo - Get information about the Bamboo server.
	 Optional parameters: outputFormat, dateFormat, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - detail, 3 - state
validateLicense - Validates the CLI Connector is enabled and licensed on the server.
renderRequest - Render url based request. The response data modified by findReplace processing is returned.
	 Required parameters: request
	 Optional parameters: requestParameters, requestType, type, acceptType, build, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromProjectList - Run actions for each project with regex filtering on project key or name. Available replacement variables are project and projectName.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromPlanList - Run actions for each plan with regex filtering on plan key or name. Use @all for project to get a list of plans across all projects. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, and planName.
	 Required parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: favorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromStageList - Run actions for each stage with regex filtering on stage name. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, and stageName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: stage, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromJobList - Run actions for each job with regex filtering on job key or name. Restrict to a specific stage or leave stage blank to get jobs across all stages. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, stageName, job, and jobName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: stage, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromRepositoryList - Run actions for each repository with regex filtering on repository name. Available replacement variables are repository and repositoryId.
	 Optional parameters: plan, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromAgentList - Run actions for each agent with regex filtering on agent name. Available replacement variables are agent and agentId.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getProjectList - Get a list of projects. Projects are selected based on regex filtering on project key or name.
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, append, encoding, columns
getPlanList - Get a list of plans for a project with regex filtering on plan key or name. Use @all for project to get a list of plans across all projects.
	 Required parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: favorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, limit, regex, columns, file, append, encoding
getArtifactDefinitionList - Experimental - only those available to be artifact dependencies in the last job! Get a list of shared artifact definitions for a plan with regex filtering on artifact name.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: limit, regex, columns, file, append, encoding
getRepositoryList - Get a list of global or plan repositories with regex filtering on repository name.
	 Optional parameters: plan, regex, file, append, encoding
getNotificationList - EAP (subject to change). Get a list of plan notifications.
	 Optional parameters: plan, file, append, encoding
getVariableList - Get a list of global or plan variables based on regex filtering of variable names.
	 Optional parameters: plan, regex, file, append, encoding
getBuildList - Get a list of builds. Default limit is 25.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: limit, favorite, labels, issues, columns, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - test information
getBuildQueueList - Get a list of builds waiting in the build queue. Subset by project or build.
	 Optional parameters: project, build, file, append, encoding, columns
getLabelList - Get a list of labels for a build.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, file, append, encoding, columns
getCommentList - Get a list of comments for a build.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, file, append, encoding, columns
getStageList - Get a list of stages for a plan with regex filtering on stage name.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, attribute, columns
getJobList - Get a list of jobs for a plan with regex filtering on job key or name. Subset by stage if desired.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: stage, regex, file, attribute, columns
getAgentList - Get a list of agents based on regex filtering of agent names. [--value3 <value3>]
        Value corresponding to the field3 parameter name.

  [--value4 <value4>]
        Value corresponding to the field4 parameter name.

  [--value5 <value5>]
        Value corresponding to the field5 parameter name.

  [--value6 <value6>]
        Value corresponding to the field6 parameter name.

  [--value7 <value7>]
        Value corresponding to the field7 parameter name.

  [--value8 <value8>]
        Value corresponding to the field8 parameter name.

  [--after <after>]
        Used in orderRepository to name the repository after which the repository will be positioned. Similarly for moveTask where
        it represent the id of the task.

  [--before <before>]
        Before task id.

        Make a final task.

  [--regex <regex>]
        Regular expression for list filtering and similar. Also for pattern match labelling.

  [--request <request>]
        URL fragment for a request.

  [--requestParameters <requestParameters>]
        URL request parameters or post data.

  [--requestType <requestType>]
        Type of a render request like GET or POST (default: GET)

  [--acceptType <acceptType>]
        Content type to accept for renderRequest if different than type.

  [--id <id>]
        Stage or task id.

  [--number <number>]
        Build number. Defaults to latest. (default: 0)

  [--timeout <timeout>]
        Wait timeout in seconds. Use -1 to wait forever. (default: -1)

  [--limit <limit>]
        Maximum number of entries to return. (default: 2147483647)

        Wait for action to complete.

        Subset to favourites. Same as favorite.

        Subset to favorites. Same as favourite.

        Enable an entity when updating.

        Disable an entity for those entities like plans, stages, jobs, and tasks.

        Filter out entries that are enabled.

        Filter out entries that are disabled.

        Indicate that a stage be run manually.

        Indicate that a stage be run automatically.

        For an artifact definition, makes the artifact available for other builds.

        Clean working directory after each job completes. Use on setJobOptions.

        Prints this help message.

Valid actions (case insensitive):

run - Run actions from a file or standard input.
	 Required parameters: file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromSql - Run actions generated by SQL provided by the sql parameter, a file, or standard input
	 Required parameters: sql or file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser, dbPassword,
	 propertyFile, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromCsv - Run actions generated from a CSV file.
	 Required parameters: file
	 Optional parameters: common, propertyFile, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromList - Run actions for each entry in a list.
	 When file is provided, each action in the file augmented by the common parameter will be run for each entry.
	 Otherwise, just the action specified by the common parameter will be run.
	 Available replacement variables are entry, entry2.
	 Required parameters: list
	 Optional parameters: list2, file, common, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getClientInfo - Get information about the this client tool.
	 Optional parameters: outputFormat, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - JVM, 11 - action list, 12 - parameter list
getServerInfo - Get information about the Bamboo server.
	 Optional parameters: outputFormat, dateFormat, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - detail, 3 - state
validateLicense - Validates the CLI Connector is enabled and licensed on the server.
renderRequest - Render url based request. The response data modified by findReplace processing is returned.
	 Required parameters: request
	 Optional parameters: requestParameters, requestType, type, acceptType, build, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromProjectList - Run actions for each project with regex filtering on project key or name. Available replacement variables are project and projectName.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, filecontinue, appendsimulate, encodingclearFileBeforeAppend, columnsfile, 	encoding, OutputfindReplace, formats:findReplaceRegex
1runFromPlanList - basic,Run 2actions -for detaileach queueBuildplan -with Queueregex afiltering buildon toplan run.key Ifor waitname. isUse specified,@all thefor actionproject willto notget completea untillist theof queuedplans buildacross completesall orprojects. theAvailable timeoutreplacement periodvariables elapses.are Theproject, actionprojectName, willplan, failand ifplanName.
the	 buildRequired failsparameters: unlessproject
continue	 parameterOptional isparameters: usedfavorite, toexcludeDisabled, ignoreexcludeEnabled, aregex, failed result. A specific revision can be built if the revision parameter is specified. Plan variables can be set using the field and value parameterscommon, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromStageList - Run actions for each stage with regex filtering on stage name. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, and stageName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: revisionstage, waitregex, continuecommon, timeoutcontinue, fieldssimulate, field1clearFileBeforeAppend, value1file, field2encoding, value2findReplace, field3,findReplaceRegex
value3,runFromJobList field4,- value4,Run field5,actions value5,for field6,each value6,job field7,with value7,regex field8,filtering value8on addCommentjob -key Addor aname. commentRestrict to a build.specific 	stage Requiredor parameters:leave build,stage commentblank 	to Optionalget parameters:jobs number,across findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding
addLabels - Add a comma separated list of labels to a buildall stages. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, stageName, job, and jobName.
	 Required parameters: build,plan
	 Optional parameters: numberstage, removeLabelsregex, -common, Removecontinue, labelssimulate, fromclearFileBeforeAppend, a build. Labels can be a comma separated list or regex. Either build or search terms (searchLabels, issues) must be provided
	 Required parameters: labels
	 Optional parameters: build, number, searchLabels, issues, favorite
deleteProject - Delete project and all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: file
enableProject - Enable all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
disableProject - Disable all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
cloneProject - Clone each plan in a project to another project. If toProject is not provided, the plans will be cloned to the same project. If the toProject does not exist, it will be created with name provided by projectName.
	 Required parameters: project, toProject, projectName, disable
createPlan - Create a new plan. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. If the project key does not exist, it will be created with the provided project name. Server instances only. Use continue to ignore the request if the plan already exists.
	 Required parameters: planfile, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromRepositoryList - Run actions for each repository with regex filtering on repository name. Available replacement variables are repository and repositoryId.
	 Optional parameters: plan, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromAgentList - Run actions for each agent with regex filtering on agent name. Available replacement variables are agent and agentId.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromDeploymentProjectList - Experimental. Run actions for each deployment project with regex filtering on deployment project name. Available replacement variables are deploymentProject and deploymentProjectId.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromEnvironmentList - Experimental. Run actions for each environment defined for a deployment project with regex filtering on environment name. Available replacement variables are environment and environmentId.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getProjectList - Get a list of projects. Projects are selected based on regex filtering on project key or name.
	 Optional parameters: nameregex, projectNamefile, descriptionappend, disableencoding, continuecolumns
createOrUpdatePlangetPlanList - Same as createPlan when Get a list of plans for a project with regex filtering on plan doeskey notor existname. However,Use it@all willfor updateproject anto existingget plan'sa namelist andof description.plans Serveracross instancesall onlyprojects.
	 Required parameters: planproject
	 Optional parameters: namefavorite, projectNameexcludeDisabled, descriptionexcludeEnabled, disablelimit, updatePlanregex, -outputFormat, UpdatedateFormat, acolumns, plans name or description. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project keyfile, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - plan, 999 - last build results
getBranchList - Get a list of branches for a plan with regex filtering on branch name or short name.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: name limit, regex, columns, file, append, descriptionencoding
getPlangetArtifactDefinitionList - Get a plan information.
	 Required parameters: plan
clonePlan - Clone a planlist of artifact definitions for a plan with regex filtering on artifact name.
	 Required parameters: plan, toPlan,
	 Optional parameters: descriptionlimit, regex, columns, file, projectNameappend, disableencoding
deletePlangetRepositoryList - DeleteGet a plan.list 	of Requiredglobal parameters:or plan enablePlanrepositories -with Enableregex afiltering planon torepository runname.
	 RequiredOptional parameters: plan
disablePlan, regex, file, append, encoding
getNotificationList - DisableGet a list of plan from runningnotifications.
	 RequiredOptional parameters: plan
addStage, file, append, encoding
getVariableList - AddGet a list stageof toglobal aor plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, stage variables based on regex filtering of variable names.
	 Optional parameters: descriptionplan, manualregex, disable
removeStagefile, append, encoding
getBuildList - RemoveGet a stagelist fromof abuild planreults. Build results Usecan idbe =filtered -1by tousing removefields alland stagesvalues. UseSupported continuefields toare ignorestate, notnotState, foundand errorsstarted. 	 Required parameters: planFor example, stageinclude oronly idsuccessful 	results Optionalby parametersusing: continue--field1 addJobstate --value AddSUCCESSFUL, aor jobinclude toonly abuilds stage.started 	after Requireda parameters:specific plan, stage, job
	 Optional parameters: name, description, disable
enableJob - Enable a job to run.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
disableJob - Disable a job from running.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
setJobOptions - Set miscellaneous option for a job. The following options are specifically supported: clean working directory after job completes (cleanAfter switch) and pattern matching labeling (regex and labels parameters). Use the field and value parameters for additional settings with values determined from the screen. Some previous settings may be lost if not specifically requesteddate use: --field2 started --value2 2016-04-30 --dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd. Default limit is 25.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: limit, favorite, labels, issues, columns, file, append, encoding, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - test information
getArtifactList - Get a list of build result artifacts. When the build does not include a job portion, only shared artifacts are provided. Use @all for the job parameter to get both sharted and non-shared artifacts for all plan jobs.
	 Required parameters: plan or build
	 Optional parameters: job, number, limit, regex, file, append, encoding
getBuildQueueList - Get a list of builds waiting in the build queue. Subset by project or build.
	 Optional parameters: project, build, file, append, encoding, columns
getLabelList - Get a list of labels for a build.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, file, append, encoding, columns
getCommentList - Get a list of comments for a build.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, file, append, encoding, columns
getStageList - Get a list of stages for a plan with regex filtering on stage name.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, attribute, columns
getJobList - Get a list of jobs for a plan with regex filtering on job key or name. Subset by stage if desired.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: stage, regex, file, attribute, columns
getTaskList - Get a list of tasks for a job with regex filtering on task name.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
	 Optional parameters: limit, regex, file, columns
getAgentList - Get a list of agents based on regex filtering of agent names.
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, append, encoding, columns
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - detail
getDeploymentProjectList - Experimental. Get a list of deployment projects based on regex filtering of project names.
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, append, encoding, columns
getEnvironmentList - Experimental. Get a list of environments for a deployment project based on regex filtering of environment names.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, append, encoding, columns
getTaskTypeList - Get a list of task types available with regex filtering on type name and description.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
	 Optional parameters: limit, regex, file, columns
pauseServer - Pause the server to prevent builds from starting.
resumeServer - Resume server to allow builds to be started.
queueBuild - Queue a build to run. If wait is specified, the action will not complete until the queued build completes or the timeout period elapses. The action will fail if the build fails unless continue parameter is used to ignore a failed result. A specific revision can be built if the revision parameter is specified. Plan variables can be set using the field and value parameters. Conditional queueing is supported - see the documentation for details.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: branch, revision, wait, continue, timeout, dateFormat, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
queueBuildFromList - Queue multiple builds to run and wait for results. The action will not complete until all queued builds complete or times out. If continue is specified, builds will continue to be queued even after an attempt to queue a build fails. The action will fail if any build fails or times out. Conditional queueing is supported - see the documentation for details.
	 Required parameters: project or list
	 Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, timeout, dateFormat, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
stopBuild - Request to stop a queued or running build. Use continue to ignore errors finding a build to stop or failed results. The wait parameter will cause processing to wait for completion or timeout before returning.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: wait, timeout, continue
restartBuild - Restart a build that failed or was stopped. Use continue to ignore errors finding a build to restart or failed results.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: wait, timeout, continue
addComment - Add a comment to a build.
	 Required parameters: build, comment
	 Optional parameters: number, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding
addLabels - Add a comma separated list of labels to a build.
	 Required parameters: build, labels
	 Optional parameters: number
removeLabels - Remove labels from a build. Labels can be a comma separated list or regex. Either build or search terms (searchLabels, issues) must be provided
	 Required parameters: labels
	 Optional parameters: build, number, searchLabels, issues, favorite
deleteProject - Delete project and all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: file
enableProject - Enable all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
disableProject - Disable all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
cloneProject - Clone each plan in a project to another project. If toProject is not provided, the plans will be cloned to the same project. If the toProject does not exist, it will be created with name provided by projectName.
	 Required parameters: project, toProject, projectName, disable
createPlan - Create a new plan. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. If the project key does not exist, it will be created with the provided project name. Use continue to ignore the request if the plan already exists.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: name, projectName, description, disable, continue
createOrUpdatePlan - Same as createPlan when plan does not exist. However, it will update an existing plan's name and description.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: name, projectName, description, disable
updatePlan - Update a plans name or description. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: name, description
getPlan - Get plan information.
	 Required parameters: plan
clonePlan - Clone a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, toPlan, name
	 Optional parameters: description, projectName, disable
deletePlan - Delete a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan
enablePlan - Enable a plan to run.
	 Required parameters: plan
disablePlan - Disable a plan from running.
	 Required parameters: plan
setFavoritePlan - Set the plan as a favorite.
	 Required parameters: plan
unsetFavoritePlan - Remove the plan from the favorite list.
	 Required parameters: plan
exportPlan - Experimental. Export a plan to source that can be used for plan creation.  Valid export types are CLI, JAVA (Bamboo 6.0 and higher).
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: type, file, encoding, dateFormat
movePlans - Move one or more plans from one project to another project (existing or new). Specifying a plan will move that plan. If plan is not specified, plans from the source project, with filtering like for getPlanList, will be moved. Plan key and name can be changed on the move by specifying toPlan and name respectively. When toPlan or name are provided for multiple plan moves, they must contain <at:var at:name="plan" /> or <at:var at:name="planName" /> replacement variables. Before the move takes place, the server state will be checked and paused if necessary and, if paused, resumed after the end of the operation.
	 Required parameters: project or plan, toProject
	 Optional parameters: toPlan, name, excludeEnabled, excludeDisabled, limit, regex
addBranch - Add a branch to a plan. The plan branch will be disabled by default. For add, the branch parameter refers to the repository branch. An optional name for the plan branch can be specified, otherwise the repository branch name will be used.
	 Required parameters: plan, branch
	 Optional parameters: name, description, enable
removeBranch - Removes a branch from a plan. Use --branch @all to remove all branches from a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, branch
getBranch - Get information for a branch to a plan. Branch can be either the short or long name of the branch.
	 Required parameters: plan, branch
	 Optional parameters: file, encoding
addStage - Add a stage to a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, stage
	 Optional parameters: description, manual
getStage - Get plan stage information.
	 Required parameters: plan, stage
updateStage - Update stage details.
	 Required parameters: plan, stage
	 Optional parameters: name, description, manual, automatic
removeStage - Remove a stage from a plan. Use --stage @all to remove all stages. Use continue to ignore not found errors.
	 Required parameters: plan, stage or id
	 Optional parameters: continue
addJob - Add a job to a stage.
	 Required parameters: plan, stage, job
	 Optional parameters: name, description, disable
enableJob - Enable a job to run.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
disableJob - Disable a job from running.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
setJobOptions - Set miscellaneous option for a job. The following options are specifically supported: clean working directory after job completes (cleanAfter switch) and pattern matching labeling (regex and labels parameters). Use the field and value parameters for additional settings with values determined from the screen. Some previous settings may be lost if not specifically requested.
	 Required parameters: plan, job
	 Optional parameters: cleanAfter, regex, labels
getArtifact - Download a copy of a build artifact into a file.
	 Required parameters:  Uses same parameters and logic as getArtifactList for identifying build result artifacts to search. For artifacts that represent a directory (not a file), use the artifact name plus the path to the file in the artifact.
	 Optional parameters: plan or build, artifact, file
	 Output formats: job, number, replace, encoding
getBuild - Get build result.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, expand, file, encoding
verifyBuild - Verify build was successful.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number
getLatestBuildNumber - Get the number of the last completed build for this plan.
	 Required parameters: plan
addArtifact - Add an artifact definition to a job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact, copyPattern
	 Optional parameters: location, shared
removeArtifact - Remove an artifact definition from a job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact
addArtifactDependency - Add an artifact dependency to a job. Artifact must be a shared artifact from another job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact, location
setDependencyOptions - Set child dependencies and other related options.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: children, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
	 Required parameters: plan, job, taskKey
	 Optional parameters: disable, final, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateTask - Update a task in a plan job. You must provide the same parameters as if you were creating the task.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, task or id
	 Optional parameters: enable, disable, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeTask - Remove a task from a plan job. Use --task @all to remove all tasks.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, task or id
moveTask - Move a task to before or after another task. Use final to make a task final. Final tasks must follow all non final tasks. If neither before or after are specified, the task will be moved to the last position respecting the final parameter.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, task or id
	 Optional parameters: after or before, final
getTask - Get detail information on a task from a plan job. Use --task @all to give detail information on all tasks for a job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, 	task Optionalor parameters:id
cleanAfter,addRepository regex,- labelsAdd getArtifacta -global Downloador aplan copyrepository. ofFor a buildplan artifactrepository, intoyou acan file.reference 	a Required parameters: build, artifact, file
	 Optional parameters: number
getBuild - Get build result.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, expand, file
verifyBuild - Verify build was successful.linked (global) repository. Otherwise a valid repository key or alias is required. Valid aliases are: BITBUCKET, BITBUCKET_CLOUD, BITBUCKET_SERVER, STASH, BCVS, GIT, GITHUB, MERCURIAL, PERFORCE, SUBVERSION
	 Required parameters: repository or buildname
	 Optional parameters: numberplan, getLatestBuildNumberrepositoryKey, -replace, Getfields, thefield1, numbervalue1, offield2, thevalue2, lastfield3, completedvalue3, buildfield4, forvalue4, this plan.
	 Required parameters: plan
addArtifact - Add an artifact definition to a job. Server instances onlyfield5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateRepository - Update a global or plan repository.
	 Required parameters: plan,repository job, artifact, copyPatternor id
	 Optional parameters: locationplan, sharedfields, removeArtifactfield1, -value1, Removefield2, anvalue2, artifactfield3, definitionvalue3, fromfield4, a job. Server instances only.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact
addArtifactDependency - Add an artifact dependency to a job. Artifact must be a shared artifact from another job.
	 Requiredvalue4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeRepository - Remove global or plan repository. Use @all to remove all repositories.
	 Required parameters: repository or id
	 Optional parameters: plan, job,continue
artifact,getRepository location- addTaskGet -details Addof a taskglobal to aor plan jobrepository. ASets validthe taskrepository keyand orrepositoryId aliasreplacement is requiredvariables.
Valid	 aliasesRequired areparameters: repository
	 Required parameters: plan, job, taskKey
	 Optional parameters: disable, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateTask - Update a task in 	 Optional parameters: plan
orderRepository - Order repository in the list of repositories for a plan. Defaults to move the repository to the top to make it the default repository. Otherwise specify the after respository name.
	 Required parameters: plan, repository
	 Optional parameters: after
addRequirement - Add requirement to a plan job.
You must provide the same parameters as if you were creating the task	 Required parameters: plan, job, requirement
	 Optional parameters: type, value
updateRequirement - Update a plan requirement.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
	 Optional parameters: enabletype, disable,value
fields,removeRequirement field1,- value1,Remove field2,a value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeTask - Remove a task from a plan job. Use id = -1 to remove all tasks.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
addRepository - Add a global or plan repository. For a plan repository, you can reference a linked (global) repository. Otherwise a valid repository key or alias is required. Valid aliases are: BITBUCKET, CVS, GIT, GITHUB, MERCURIAL, PERFORCE, STASH, SUBVERSIONplan requirement.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
addNotification - Add a plan notification. There are 2 parts to a notification - an event that triggers the notification and a recipient type that determines the notification protocol. There are built-in notifications and others provided by add-ons. A recipient type may have additional parameters. Generally, these can be specified by the field and values parameters. In some cases, pre-defined parameters are available.
	 Required parameters: repositoryplan, orevent, namerecipientType
	 Optional parameters: plan, repositoryKeyrecipient, replace, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateRepositoryremoveNotification - UpdateRemove a global or plan repository.
	 Required parameters: repository or id
	 Optional plan notification. Use id of -1 to remove all notifications for a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, fields,id
field1,addVariables value1,- field2,Add value2,global field3,or value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeRepository - Remove global or plan repository. Use @all to remove all repositories.
	 Required parameters: repository or idplan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values,
	 Optional parameters: plan, continuereplace getRepositoryfields, -field1, Getvalue1, detailsfield2, ofvalue2, afield3, globalvalue3, orfield4, plan repository. Sets the repository and repositoryId replacement variables.
	 Required parameters: repository
	 Optional parameters: plan
orderRepository - Order repository in the list of repositories for a plan. Defaults to move the repository to the top to make it the default repository. Otherwise specify the after respository name.
	 Requiredvalue4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateVariables - Update existing global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values,
	 Optional parameters: plan, repository
	 Optional parameters: after
addRequirement - Add requirement to a plan job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, requirement
	 Optional parameters: type, value
updateRequirement - Update a plan requirement.
	 Requiredfields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeVariables - Remove global or plan variables. Specify the variable names using the field parameters.
	 Optional parameters: plan, jobfields, idfield1, 	value1, Optional parameters: type, value
removeRequirement - Remove a plan requirement.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
addNotificationfield2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
addTrigger - Add a trigger to a plan notification. There are 2 parts to a notification - an event that triggers the notification and a recipient type that determines the notification protocol. There are built-in notifications and others provided by add-ons. A recipient type may have additional parameters. Generally, these can be specified by the field and values parameters. In some cases, pre-defined parameters are available. Pre-defined types are: polling, remote, scheduled. One or more repositories can be specified for pre-defined type triggers based on repositories. Polling triggers default to all plan repositories or use repository @all. Custom types can be specified with the appropriate trigger key (or alias) and all required parameters using the various field parameters. Use of the name parameter is deprecated - description should be used instead.
	 Required parameters: plan, eventtype
	 Optional parameters: description, recipientType
	 Optional parameters:repository, schedule, ipRestriction, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeNotificationremoveTrigger - Remove a plan notificationtrigger from a plan. Use id of= -1 to remove all notifications for a plantriggers.
	 Required parameters: plan, id
addVariablesaddAgent - Add global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values,
	 Optional parameters: plan, replace fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateVariables - Update existing global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values,a local agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
	 Optional parameters: description
removeAgent - Remove an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
enableAgent - Enable an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
disableAgent - Disable an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
addAgentAssignment - Assign a project, plan, or job to a specific agent. This makes the agent is dedicated to only perform builds for all assignments. Use continue to ignore already exists error.
	 Required parameters: agent, assignment
	 Optional parameters: continue
removeAgentAssignment - Remove an assignment from a specific agent. Use continue to ignore not found error.
	 Required parameters: agent, assignment
	 Optional parameters: plan, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeVariables - Remove global or plan variables. Specify the variable names using the field parameters.
	 Optional parameters: plan, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
addTrigger - Add a trigger to a plan. Pre-defined types are: polling, remote, scheduled. One or more repositories can be specified for pre-defined type triggers based on repositories. Pre-defined types are available for server instances only. Custom types can be specified with the appropriate trigger key (or alias) and all required parameters using the various field parameters. Alias types are: stashTrigger continue
createDeploymentProject - Experimental. Create a deployment project for a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, name
	 Optional parameters: description, branch
getDeploymentProject - Experimental. Get information for a deployment project by name or id.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject
deleteDeploymentProject - Experimental. Delete a deployment project by name or id.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject
	 Optional parameters: continue
addEnvironment - Experimental. Add an environment to deployment project.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject, name
	 Optional parameters: description
getEnvironment - Experimental. Get information for an environment from a deployment project by name or id.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject, environment
	 Optional parameters: file, encoding
removeEnvironment - Experimental. Remove an environment from a deployment project by name or id.
	 Required parameters: plandeploymentProject, name,environment
	 Optional parameters: repository, schedule, ipRestriction, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeTrigger - Remove a trigger from a plan. Use id = -1 to remove all triggers. Server instances only.
	 Required parameters: plan, id
addAgent - Add a local agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
	 Optional parameters: description
removeAgent - Remove an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
enableAgent - Enable an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
disableAgent - Disable an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
addAgentAssignment - Assign a project, plan, or job to a specific agent. This makes the agent is dedicated to only perform builds for all assignments. Use continue to ignore already exists errorcontinue
deployEnvironment - Experimental. Deploy environment. To promote (re-deploy) an existing version, use --replace.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject, environment, version
	 Optional parameters: build, number, replace
addEnvironmentTask - Experimental. Add a task to a deployment environment.
	 Required parameters: deploymentProject, environment, taskKey
	 Optional parameters: description, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
addEnvironmentTrigger - Experimental. Add a trigger to a deployment project. Pre-defined types are: scheduled, afterSuccessfulStage. One or more repositories can be specified for pre-defined type triggers based on repositories. Custom types can be specified with the appropriate trigger key (or alias) and all required parameters using the various field parameters.
	 Required parameters: agentdeploymentProject, name, assignmenttype
	 Optional parameters: continuerepository, removeAgentAssignmentschedule, -ipRestriction, Removefields, anfield1, assignmentvalue1, fromfield2, avalue2, specific agent. Use continue to ignore not found error.
	 Required parameters: agent, assignment
	 Optional parameters: continuefield3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8