Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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When upgrading Confluence or plugins, how do you know if macros are still working properly? This is a way to test all the pages in a space or set of spaces to see if any rendered pages have macro errors like Unknown macro or macro generated errors. This provides some assurances that you have installed all the macros that are needed and they do not exhibit any obvious errors.

This is done using a GINT Gint test. Each testcase represents a page. A testcase fails if that page has any of the indicated errors, otherwise it is successful.

This is a general approach that can be used for other similar situations by customizing the script. For instance, adding additional failure indicator text or regex patterns (in groovy that is something like: ~/The page.*does not exist/) or modifying the sql selection criteria to include or exclude content.


  1. Installation of CSOAP or ACLI release 2.2.0 or above
  2. GINT, specifically Installation and Dependencies #1-3.
  3. Downloaded copy of macroError.gantof ACLI 
  4. Gint is a Gradle plugin and therefore, needs Gradle. Most projects that use Gradle, use the Gradle Wrapper that supports zero install requirements for running in pipelines. Refer to the Gradle documentation for information. 

Running the test

  1. You need a user with authority to render all pages - this usually means a confluence administrator level user
  2. You need read access to the Confluence database
  3. You need a database specific JDBC driver in your client classpath
  4. See the comments in macroError.gant for parameters
No Format

gant -f macroError.gant -Dverbose -Ddatabase=confluence-3.5.13 -Dcli="/sde/atlassian-cli-2.2.0/atlassian confluence-3.5.13" -Dspace=zconfluencecli
No Format
titleResult - no errors

     [info] Successful testcases  . . . . . . . . . . : 19    <<< TEST SUCCESSFUL
     [info] Total testcases . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 19
     [info] Elapsed run time  . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5.844 secs

= = = = = =   macroError completed at Thu Oct 20 21:30:08 CDT 2011 = = = = = =

Total time: 7.04 seconds


titleResult - with errors. checklist page has an error


  1. a ACLI site configuration for your Confluence instance using the administrator account
  2. Run the following gradle script or customize it to your own needs

Code Block
// Assumes acli is on your path and myconfluence is your defined confluence site configuration
// Tested with Gradle wrapper 7.3.3 and 8.5
// ./gradlew -b macroerrors.gradle -Pcli="acli myconfluence"

plugins { id("org.gint.atlassian") version "3.8.5" }

gint.verbose = true
def info = gint.getConfluenceHelper().getServerInfoWithVerify()  // verify server is available, otherwise end test

def space = gint.helper.getParameterValue('space', 'Examples')
def file = 'pageList.txt'

boolean result = gint.helper.runCmd(cmd: info.cli + " -a getPageList --space ${space} -f ${file}")
if (!result) {
    gint.addFailedMessage('getPageList failed!!!')
    gint.stopNow = true
def pageList = gint.helper.readFileToList(file)
// gint.helper.log('pageList', pageList)

// Define a task for each page in the list. 
// This makes it easy to run a test for a single page and to report on each page that fails individually.
pageList.each { entry ->
    def name = gint.helper.cleanTaskName(entry)
    gint.taskHelper.add('entry', [
        [action: 'renderPage', name: name,
            file: gint.getOutputFile(name),
            parameters: [
                space: space,
                title: entry,
            output: [
                failData: [
                    'placeholder/unknown-attachment',       // missing attachment like: src="/wiki/plugins/servlet/confluence/placeholder/unknown-attachment
                    'class="unresolved"',                   // missing link like: <a class="unresolved" href="#">missing-link</a>
                    'The included page could not be found', // include macro problem

                    'Unknown macro:',                       // missing macro
                    '<span class="error">',                 // general error
                    ~/(?:(?:<div class="error)|(?:<div class="[^"]*? aui-message-error))/, // covers both older style and newer style errors

Code Block
> Task :macroerror
    [start] macroerror
      [out] Rendered data written to file: .../macroerror.txt
     [info] Found: The included page could not be found
     [info] Elapsed run time  . . . . . . . . . . . . : 134.534 secs (2.2 mins)

= = = = = =   macroError completed at Thu Oct 20 22:05:42 CDT 2011 = = = = = =
: Test failed.

Total time: 2 minutes 15.85 second

Context: data-macro-name="include"><span class="error">Unable to render {include}</span> The included page could not be found.</div></p><p class="enh-settings hidden hidden" style="display: none !important
   [failed] macroerror: Unexpected data 'placeholder/unknown-attachment', 'class="unresolved"', 'The included page could not be found', 'Unknown macro:', '<span class="error">', (?:(?:<div class="error)|(?:<div class="[^"]*? ...
[reproduce] acli myconfluence --action renderPage    --file ".../macroerror.txt"   --space "Examples"  --title "macroerror"   
 [complete] macroerror - 2.185 secs

> Task :macroerror FAILED