Note |
Create project from template menu option is available only if an administrator grants you the required permissions. |
As a user, you can easily create a new project from a template once the administrator configures the required permissions for you.Perform the following to new projects with templates configured by your administrators through the Delegated Project Creator for Jira.
To create a project from a template:
Navigate From the top menu, navigate to Apps > Create project from template from the top horizontal menu. You are navigated to the Create project from a template page that lists the project templates preconfigured by the administrator.
Note Create project from template menu option is visible only when an administrator grants you the required permissions.
On the Create new project from template page,you'll see a list of templates configured by an administrator. Click Create project next to the intended template to proceed further to the form that expands within the same page.
you want to use.Enter the details in the project request form as follows:
Project Name: Specify Give your project a relevant meaningful name for your project.
Project Key: This field is automatically populated based on Project Name. You can also specify a project key. This key is added as a prefix to the issues in your projectIf necessary, change the automatically generated project key.
Project Description: Provide Write a brief short description about of your project.
Project Avatar: Displays the avatar being added to the projectClick on the image and choose a project avatar from the list.
Project Owner: Start typing text into the field to view the auto-suggestions and select a user as the owner to the projecta name and choose a project owner from the auto-suggestions that appear.
Copy settingsfrom this project: Select Choose a project from the available dropdown list to copy the respective project settings into the newly created project.
This field is visible only whenNote its settings.
selectedThis option may not be available for all templates. You will see it only if the base project(s) field is configured for the
Project Categories: Select a category for the project from the available list of options.
This field is visible only when the Project categoriesNote
selectedThis option may not be available for all templates. You will see it only if the Project Categories field is configured for the
Click : Create to
createmake a new project with the provided details
A successful message is displayed when the new project is created.
You can clickThe template remains expanded with the following options available:
Create another
project to createproject: Create a new project with the same settings.
Cancel to minimize the window.
Browse to navigate to
Cancel: Close the current template window and return to the full list.
Browse: Navigate to your newly created project.
- Administer
Administer: Navigate to
navigate tothe settings of
theyour newly created project
for further project configurations.Back to navigate to the previous page.and change them if necessary.
Info |
When a project is created using a Delegated Project Creator template, it is listed in the Project Creation Report page. |