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Table of Contents


Users are assigned to teams - this creates a ‘membership’. Membership information specifies how much time a user dedicates to the team effort.

  • Assign tasks to


  • team.

  • Assign tasks to team

  • Tasks can be automatically assigned to a team based on the assignee.




Basic attributes

  • Identifying information

    • name

    • Arrow (blue star) next to box name (inherited teams)

    • code

    • code color

  • created Created in

    • ID of the box the team has been created in

  • membersMembers

    • number of team members

Inherited vs primary teams

Each team must be managed in the primary box it is assigned to. Teams can be used in multiple boxes, but team information can’t be modified in secondary boxes.

By default, the box in which a team has been created becomes its primary box.

The primary box can be changed when you ‘assign existing team’ to a different box.

Details tab

Identifying team information:

  • name Name

  • codeCode

  • colorColor

Members tab

Team members - the list contains current membership information of team members:

  • name Name - functions as a link to the list of user memberships

  • active Active membership

  • availabilityAvailability

  • skills Skills

If a team membership has a future date it doesn’t apply yet - resource is listed as having ‘no membership’. To see all memberships of a user, click on the resource name.

no membership

Boxes involved tab

List of boxes the team is available in:

  • nameName

  • idID

  • statusStatus

Team management

Create new team



In the Teams tab:

  1. Click the (blue star) button at the top.

  2. Select Create new team from the dropdown menu.

  3. Provide:

    1. team Team name

    2. team Team code

    3. team Team code color

  4. Click Create.

ADD - create new team .mov



A team from an upper-level box is assigned in a lower-level box → team is added as an inherited team to a lower-level box. The upper-level box is unaffected.

A team from a lower-level box is assigned in an upper-level box → primary box of a team is changed. The upper-level box (where the action is performed) becomes the primary team box of a team. In the lower-level box (that used to be primary) the team still available, but is treated as inherited.


  1. Click the (blue star) button at the top.

  2. Select Assign existing team from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select a team teams from the dropdown list. Use the search box to find teams faster. You can assign multiple teams at once.

  4. Click Assign

ADD - assign
  1. .

image-20240626-082749.pngImage Added

Duplicate existing team


All team information, including memberships, is duplicated. Make sure to adjust the team memberships.

Original team is unaffected.

  1. Click the (blue star) button at the top.

  2. Select Duplicate existing team from the listSelect a team.

  3. Select teams from the dropdown list. Use the search box to find teams faster. You can duplicate multiple teams at once.

  4. Click Duplicate

ADD - duplicate
  1. .

image-20240626-082951.pngImage Added


Team name, code, and code color can be modified in the Details tab of the Teams module.
