- Add in a "whitelist' rule of "Path containing" git/info/lfs . This will exclude the LFS operations from participating in the LFS operations.
- For the Repositories that have LFS enabled, don't enable the "Secured in browser through 2FA".
Manual testing stepssteps
- Clone dw-lfs-handler branch.
- Open server.soy file inside and add 1 min as an option (<option value="1">1 minute</option>) and save the file.
- Execute atlas-debug -Dmaven.test.skip=true --jvmargs "-Xmx4028m -Xms2048m" --version 5.0.1 --data-version 5.0.1 -u 6.3.0-fef7990 from the terminal.
- After Bitbucket is up and running, open the browser and enter in the license info. if needed.
- When configuring 2FA:
- 2FA Timeout value = 1 min
- Restrict GIT repository activities = Yes
- Select Yes for the rest of the setting as well ( ).
- Set your up 2fa session and have an active session.