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Individuals tab


nameIMG - Individuals tab (full)



Table of Contents
titleWho can access this screen?

Insert excerpt
Interface and Navigation
Interface and Navigation
nameSECURITY - App admin + App Resource Admin

titleHow to get to this screen?

BigPicture Administration > Resources > Individuals.



This tab allows you to manage the currently existing Resourcesresources, add new ones, and edit resource-related data, such as Workload workload plans, Holiday holiday plans, Absencesabsences, and Skillsskills.

The table in the Individuals tab contains current information (applicable today).


Additional screens

Insert excerpt
Interface and Navigation
Interface and Navigation
nameNAV - Individuals tab - Resource details

  • make Make changes that impact the resource capacity (assign and remove):

    • Workload plans

    • Holiday plans

    • Absences

  • assignAssign/unassign skills

  • get Get an overview of a user’s overall assignment to BigPicture teams


The table in the Individuals tab displays currently applicable items (state on the day when you open the screen). To see the past and future assignments, click on a resource name to go to the Resource Details resource details page.



Additional details

Basic user details

Based on the data:

  • Full name → a link to the resource details screen

  • Username

  • Source

Working and non-working days detialsdetails

Currently applicable:

  • Workload Plan

  • Holiday Plan

  • Absences


Currently active skills of a user.

Resource management

BigPicture status column:

  • empty Empty → active user

  • archived Archived label → archived user

Note: This is NOT the status of a user in

Resource management

Default resources

All monday resources are automatically pulled during the installation.

In the future resources are automatically added / have to be manually added.

Add resources

Why and when?

Remove resources

Resources cannot be removed from BigPicture. Remove in

What happens to the historical data?

Archive resources

Archiving doesn’t restrict available actions. BigPicture treats resources normally, but they are marked as archived.

Archive/Restore resource

App Admin can manually archive selected individual resources using the Archive resource button on the right.

Upon archiving, the resource's capacity is reset to zero, and the team's availability is marked as Unavailable starting from the archive date. While you have the flexibility to restore the resource at any time, it's important to note that the team's availability needs to be reset manually.

Archived resources are handled in a similar way as active ones—archived users can still be added to Boxes and teams.


On the Administration > Resources > Individuals page, you can perform the following actions:

  • Add new individuals

  • Archive resources

  • Restore archived resources

  • Assign individuals to workload plans

  • Assign individuals to holiday plans

Add new individuals

To add new individuals:

  1. Click the Add new individual button.

  2. Select a user from the drop-down menu.

  3. Choose the workload and holiday plans.

  4. Assign skills.

  5. When ready, click Add.

    image-20240703-080743.pngImage Added

Archive and restore archived resources

To archive a resource:

  1. Find a resource you want to archive.

  2. Click the Archive resource button.

  3. To confirm, click Archive.


After archiving, the resource's capacity will be zero, and the team’s availability will be set as Unavailable from the archive date. You can restore it anytime, but team availability must be manually adjusted.

To check archived resources:

  1. Click the More actions … menu next to the ARCHIVED column.

  2. Select the ARCHIVED label.


To restore an archived resource:

  1. Click the Restore button next to the ARCHIVED label.

  2. To confirm, click Restore.


Assign individuals to workload plans

Assign multiple individuals to a workload plan.

  1. Expand the Assign to drop-down menu.

  2. Select the Workload plan option.

    image-20240703-081647.pngImage Added
  3. Select the workload plan from the list.

  4. Define the Efficiency and Start date fields. The end date will be adjusted automatically.

  5. Select individuals from the list or use the search box to find them faster. The Select all and Deselect All options are useful when assigning multiple individuals.

  6. When ready, click Assign.


Workload plan efficiency

If you want to simulate a non-human resource or use a single user to represent a team, you can use the efficiency multiplier. Alternatively, you can use it to reduce the capacity resulting from the workload plan by setting a value below 1.


Assign individuals to holiday plans

Assign multiple individuals to a holiday plan.

  1. Expand the Assign to drop-down menu.

  2. Select the Holiday plan option.

    image-20240703-081934.pngImage Added
  3. Select the holiday plan from the list.

  4. Define the start date. The end date will be adjusted automatically based on the start date of the previous plan.

  5. Select individuals from the list or use the search box to find them faster. The Select all and Deselect All options are useful when assigning multiple individuals.

  6. When ready, click Assign.

    image-20240703-082116.pngImage Added

Resource page

nameIMG - Resource page


nameABOUT - Resource page

On the resource page, you can:

  • make Make changes that impact the resource capacity (assign and remove):

    • Workload plans

    • Holiday plans

    • Absences

  • assignAssign/unassign skills

  • get Get an overview of a user’s overall assignment to BigPicture teams


nameTABEL - Resource page (general content and associated actions)


Editable on the resource page


All items assigned to resources are time sensitive.


(error) read Read-only

On the resource page, you can view the past and current team assignment across all boxes.

BigPicture teams have to be edited in Box configuration - go to a box in which a team has been created to make changes.

  • Click on the box code in the created in column to go to the box.

Insert excerpt
Administration - IndividualsAdministration - Individuals
nameIMG - FOCUS - Resource page (Teams - created in)


(tick) available Available actions:

  • add Add new

  • editEdit

  • deleteDelete

On the resouce page you can see past, present and future entries.

The entries can be added, edited, and removed directly on the resource page.


Holiday Plans

Workload Plans

Actions - skills

Skills apply in a selected timeframe.

nameAA - skills (resource details)

Available actions:

  • add Add - skill assignment

  • edit Edit - skill assignment

  • delete Delete - skill assignment

nameSTEPS - ADD skill asignment
  1. Click Add new

  2. Fill in the form:

    1. Select a skill from a list

    2. Provide start date

    3. Provide end date (optional)

  3. Click Save

skill of a person (Add).mov




nameSTEPS - EDIT skill assignment
  1. Click the Edit icon

  2. Make changes

  3. Click Save

skill of a person (Edit).mov




nameSTEPS - DELETE skill assignment
  1. Click the Delete icon

  2. Click Delete to confirm

skill of a preson (Remove).mov

nameAA - workload plans (resource details)

Available actions:

  • add Add - workload plan assignment

  • edit Edit - workload plan assignment

  • delete Delete - workload plan assignment

nameSTEPS - ADD workload plan assignment
  1. Click Add new

  2. Provide assignment details

    1. name - select a workload plan from a dropdown

    2. efficiency - enter an efficiency multiplier

    3. start date- select using date picker

  3. Click Add.

ADD workload plan to a

nameSTEPS - EDIT workload plan assignment
  1. Click the Edit icon (blue star)

  2. Modify assignment details

  3. Click Save

EDIT workload plan

nameSTEPS - DELETE workload plan assignment
  1. Click the Delete icon (blue star)

  2. Click Delete

DELETE workload plan from a


nameAA - holiday plans (resource details)

Available actions:

  • add Add - holiday plan assignment

  • edit Edit - holiday plan assignment

  • delete Delete - holiday plan assignment

nameSTEPS - ADD holiday plan assignment
  1. Click Add new

  2. Provide assignment details

    1. name - select from a dropdown

    2. start date - select from a date picker

  3. Click Add

ADD - holiday plan

nameSTEPS - EDIT holiday plan assignment
  1. Click the Edit icon (blue star)

  2. Modify assignment details

  3. Click Save

EDIT - holiday plan

nameSTEPS - DELETE holiday plan assignment
  1. Click the Delete icon (blue star)

  2. Click Delete

DELETE - holiday plan
