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The following custom JQL functions enable you to expand your search in Jira:


JQL functionsDescriptionExamples


Returns issues that have been commented by a currently logged in user within the specified time frame. To perform such search, you must have the "browse issues" rights.
  • issue in commentedIssues("5h")
  • issue in commentedIssues("startOfWeek")
  • issue in commentedIssues("startOfDay")


Returns a list of issues that are parents of all issues inside the specified JQL query.

See example below

issue in issuesParents("Project = PRDT")


The issuesSubtasks function returns a list of issues that are subtasks of all issues in the specified JQL query.

issue in issuesSubtasks("Project = PRDT")

linkedIssuesHasStatuses(Status, linkingType)

Returns tickets that have linked issues which are in the specified status and that are linked with the specified linking type.

For example, you have a ticket A, and it's cloned by ticket B which is in progress. The following:

issue in linkedIssuesHasStatuses("In Progress", "clones")

will search for the tickets that

  • are in the In progress status - it will find many tickets, and ticket B among those.
  • then among those found search those that have the linking type clones - it will find ticket B

...and then it will display the tickets that this ticket B clones, in our case this is ticket A.

  • issue in linkedIssuesHasStatuses("In Progress")
  • issue in linkedIssuesHasStatuses("In Progress", "To Do", "clones")
  • Special JQL: areNotBlocked() = linkedIssuesHasStatuses("Open", "Reopened", "In Progress", "is blocked by")


Returns the users who are the members of a certain role inside the Jira project.
  • assignee in membersOfProjectRole("AAA", "Administrators")
  • assignee in membersOfProjectRole("IOS", "iOS Developers")
  • assignee in membersOfProjectRole("HELP", "Support team members")


This JQL function enables you to get a list of tickets in the specified project (first parameter) that were in a certain status (second parameter), X amount of times (third parameter) with a certain operation (fourth parameter - possible options">", "<", "=", ">=", "<=", "<>").
  • issue in transitionCount(SP, "Done", 4, "<") 
    It means that we search for the issues that were in 'Done' status less than 4 times


This function returns a list of tickets for which the status was changed within the specified time frame (first parameter) to the specified status (second parameter). For example, "2h" would mean within the last 2 hours.
  • transitionDate(2d, Closed)


Returns a list of issues where the status was changed by the specified user (first parameter) to the specified status (second parameter) within the specified project (third parameter, optional).
  • transitionReporter (Admin, Resolved, PROD)

transitionReporterGroup(GroupStatus, Project)

Returns a list of issues that were transitioned by anyone from the specified group (first parameter) to the specified status (second parameter) within the specified project (third parameter, optional).
  • transitionReporterGroup(Administrators, Resolved, PROD)

userCommentedIssues(User, Duration)

Returns the issues that have been commented by a particular user within the specified time frame, for example, within the last 5 hours. To perform such search, you must have "browse issues" rights.

See example below
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("admin", "5h")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("user", "startOfWeek")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("fakeuser", "startOfDay")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("admin", "startOfYear")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("admin", "startOfMonth")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("admin", "week")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("admin", "month") / userCommentedIssues("admin", "5months")
  • issue in userCommentedIssues("admin", "year") / ("admin", "y")

groupCommentedIssues(User, Duration)

Returns the issues that have been commented by a particular group within the specified time frame, for example, within the last 5 hours. To perform such search, you must have "browse issues" rights.
  • issue in groupCommentedIssues("admin", "startOfYear")
  • issue in groupCommentedIssues("admin", "startOfMonth")
  • issue in groupCommentedIssues("admin", "week")

relatedIssuesByField(query, customFieldId)

Returns issues that contain issue keys of other issues in the specified field.
  • issue in relatedIssuesByField("project = Products and status != Resolved","customfield_10909")

relatedIssuesByQuery (query1, query2)

Allows to apply Query2 for the Query1 results.

It returns issues according to the following algorithm:

  1. Query1 starts running and the list of results appears.
  2. The function reads the results and applies Query2 to each of the Query1 results.
  3. The function substitutes the SELF_VALUE word from the Query2 with the Issue key of the Query1.
  4. Returns the results to the function.

JQL 1 = "project = TEST and assignee = test"
JQL 2 = "key = SELF_VALUE and AND \"Start Date\" > startOfDay()"

relatedIssuesByQuery("project = TEST and assignee = test", "key = SELF_VALUE and AND \"Start Date\" > startOfDay()")

JQL 1 starts running inside the function and, for instance, will find the following tasks:
TEST-1, TEST-2, TEST-3 ...

Then, it will perform the following calls and accumulate the results.
"key = TEST-1 and AND \"Start Date\" > startOfDay()"
"key = TEST-2 and AND \"Start Date\" > startOfDay()"
"key = TEST-3 and AND \"Start Date\" > startOfDay()"


Finding user's commented tickets
