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Create Issue and Create Sub-task post functions support a number of fields for a configuration that help helps you control when the issue or sub-task should be created and what information is associated with the issue or sub-task once created.


Important Notes

  • If the issue is not a sub-task, then the Parent Issue is the same as the original issue - the issue that originally started the transition.

  • Unless otherwise indicated, most fields are common to Create Issue and Create Sub-task.

Sections containing field configurations

The configuration screen contains sections of powerful configuration options.

Basic Fields

The following configuration fields are most commonly used by customers.

Table plus


Create Issue

Create Sub-task






Parent's summary

Set issue summary field




Set issue description field




Set the environment field




Allows the workflow designer to document the post function

Detailed Fields

Configurations within this section help direct where new issues or sub-tasks are created, and who they are assigned to, amongst among other important details associated with the issue and sub-task creation.

Table plus


Create Issue

Create Sub-task






Original project

Set the project when creating issues

Issue type



Bug or Sub-task

Set issue type

Copy issues in epic




Turn this toggle On to copy the issues from the original epic to the epic being created. 

This toggle is applicable only when:

  • the issue being transitioned is an epic

  • the selected Issue type in the Detailed Fields tab is Epic or Original issue type (where the original issue type is an epic)


All the field values of the issues in the epic being transitioned are copied to the epic issues being created excluding the attachments and links.




Parent's priority

Set priority




Parent issue's components

Set components from a comma-separated list of component names

Affected versions



Set affected versions from a comma separated list of version names

Fixed versions



Set fixed versions from a comma separated list of version names

Security level




Set security level for the issue




List of labels to be set on the new issue





Current user

Set reporter


Prior to 7.2 release, the reporter was set to anonymous in the newly created issue or sub-task upon using Create on Transition for Jira during workflow transition. This is addressed

with Image Removed CSOTand

with Image Added CSOT-779


 and the reporter of the newly created issue or sub-task now matches with that of the parent/original issue.




Parent issue's assignee

Set assignee




Add watchers from a comma-separated list of user




Due date



Set a due date. Use work to exclude non-working days (example: 5 work).

Due date offset



Set offset by no. of days. You can use "work" to exclude non-working days from the calculation. For example, "5 work", adjusts the date by 5 working days.

Original Estimate



Set original estimate

Remaining estimate



Set remaining estimate

Configurations within this section help create and copy links and link types.

Table plus


Create Issue

Create Sub-task



Create link



Adds a link to another issue after the new issue is created

Create link type



Adds a link type from a pre-defined list of link types such as Blocks, Cloners and so on

Create link direction



Adds a link direction

Copy links



All link types

Copy one or more links from the issue key (or keys) provided to the new issue. The new issue key replaces the key specified for the copy. By default, all link types are copied from each issue key specified. Specify a comma-separated list of link types to subset the copy to only those issue types.

Copy link types



Copy one or more link types from the issue key (or keys) provided to the new issue.

Copy remote links



All remote link types

Copy one or more remote links from the issue key (or keys) provided to the new issue. The new issue key replaces the key specified for the copy. By default, all remote link types are copied from each issue key specified. Specify a comma-separated list of remote link types to subset the copy to only those issue types.

Remote link types



Add a list of remote link types to subset the copy to only those issue types. By default, all remote link types will be copied from each issue specified. 

Comment & Attachments

This section allows you to control whether or not to associate attachments from the parent or other Issues during creation.   Likewise, you can have similar controls around comments. 

Table plus


Create Issue

Create Sub-task



Copy attachments



If specified, attachments are copied from the issue to the new issue after it is created.

Add comment



Comment added to new issue after it is created. Use substitution variables to customize a comment in addition to free text.

Comment security



Security group or role for the comment. 

Copy parent issue comments



If enabled (ON), copies the comments from the parent of the issue that is being transitioned to the newly created issue(s).

Copy original issue comments



If enabled (ON), copies the comments from the issue that is being transitioned to the newly created issue(s).

Include transition attachments



Copies attachments captured within workflow transition screens to the newly created issue(s). An option is ignored unless this post function follows the update change history post function.

Custom Fields

Configuration settings within this section allow you to

  • copy custom field values from the parent or original


  • issue 

  • define values for new custom fields

Table plus


Create Issue

Create Sub-task



Copy parent issue custom fields



A comma-separated list of custom field names or ids - each field is copied from the parent issue.

Copy original issue custom fields



A comma-separated list of custom field names or ids - each field is copied from the original issue.

Add Custom Field



Allows you to add new values to existing custom fields associated with the issue being created.


For a Sprint custom field:

  • only when the parent/original issue is assigned to one or more sprints, you can set those sprints as sprint values using the Add Custom Field option  

  • when the parent/original issue is not assigned to any sprint, you cannot set any sprint value.

To know how to set a sprint field value as parent/original issue, refer to Substitution Variables - 7.x.
