Clicking on error count on the profiles list view leads to Synchronization to synchronization errors view, which presents a list of all the recorded errors for the given profile. The list is order chronologically (with most recent entries at the top) and is browseable.
Synchronization errors list
For each recorded error the following data is displayed:
Each error entry can be deleted by clicking Delete link. You can also perform batch deletion of:
- all the errors related to the given JIRA issue / TFS work item pair by clicking Delete all for this pair link
- all the errors globally by clicking Delete all errors link
Note that existence of errors on the list affects further synchronizations according to selected errors handling mode (see Error handling mode on this page for more details)
Errors view contains a browseable list of all the Jira issue or TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item pairs for which last synchronization failed. An existing entry for a given Jira issue or TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item indicates, that as a result of a recent synchronization failure, there are some modifications, that has not been propagated, i.e. Jira issue and TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item pair is in inconsistent state and therefore it potentially needs your attention.
Each entry on the list consists of the following information
Jira issue key, TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item id
Jira issue and TFS / Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) work item identifiers for which a synchronization failed. One of the identifiers may be empty, if an error occured when trying to synchronized an issue/work item that has not been paired yet (for example when creating a new issue/work item).
Last error time
The time of the last synchronization failure.
Error summary
A short error description. You can click the summary to see more details.
For every error entry there are two available operations
Acknowledge (forget)
You can click on Acknowledge link in order to ignore the error and remove it from the list. Note however, that it will reappear after the next failed synchronization attempt.
Force resynchronization
Clicking on Force resynchronization forces TFS4JIRA Synchronizer to retry synchronization at the next profile run.