@GrabResolver(name='atlassian', root='https://maven.atlassian.com/content/groups/public/'),
@Grab(group='org.swift.tools', module='gint', version='1.4.0'),
@Grab(group='jivesoftware', module='smack', version='3.1.0'),
@Grab(group='jivesoftware', module='smackx', version='3.1.0'),
import org.swift.tools.*
includeTool << Gint
//includeTool << Helper
includeTool << ImHelper
imConfig = [
name: 'gtalk',
to: gmailUser,
host: 'talk.google.com',
port: 5222,
service: 'gmail.com',
userName: gmailFromUser, // this needs to be hardcoded or specified in gint.properties
userPassword: gmailFromPassword, // same as above
im: [
content: 'Do you approve?',
timeout: -1, // wait forever
successResponses: ['yes', 'y'], // or use the default responses
failResponses: ['no', 'n'], // or use the default responses
inline: {}