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Announcer for Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence apps can be installed via the Atlassian Marketplace or the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM).


If you're upgrading from a version


before 1.5

If you're upgrading from a version


before 1.5, please note that all of your announcements will become disabled when you upgrade. Simply visit the Administration Overview page and click Enable all (or select the announcements to enable).



 On This Page


On this page:

Table of Contents

Administration Overview

To access the configuration pages:

  1. Select


  1. the Cog menu Image Modified > Manage apps.

  2. Expand the entry for the Announcer app.


  1. Click Get Started.

Announcer for Jira, and Confluence involves global and announcement-level configurations, both of which are explained in the


following sections. The Announcer is now integrated with Atlassian Statuspage, and


you will find connection details


explained in the relevant sections.

Announcer Configuration


Click ANNOUNCER FOR JIRA/CONFLUENCE/BITBUCKET > Announcements from the sidebar to view the Announcer Configuration


 page that displays all active/inactive announcements and allows you to create, edit, or delete an announcement. The generated announcements, if any, can be identified as having the Statuspage icon (Image Modified) in the title.

You can also view all the invalid announcements in the Inactive Notifications section, highlighted with a warning icon. Click the (Image Modified) icon to learn more about the


notification and enable it for further use or delete if it is no longer required.




example of an invalid notification


 can be one in which the


targeted project role is deleted.


From this page, you can click:

  • Preview (Image Modified) to preview an existing notification.

  • Reset


  • (blue star)  to reset


  • all


  • coun ts for an existing active notification.

  • Edit 


  • (blue star) to edit an existing notification in the Announcement editor window.

  • Delete 


  • (blue star) to delete an existing notification.

  • Report 


  • (blue star) to see an acceptance report for an existing notification.

  • Add another notification


  •  to add a new announcement.

Announcement editor


In the Announcement editor window allows can set various announcement details as shown in the gif below.


In Jira


Image Removed


, you can enter the following details:




Indicates whether the announcement is active (enabled) or inactive (disabled).


The title of the notification that is presented to the end user in the title bar of the browser window.


An internal description of the announcement that is not displayed to the end user.

Announcement Type

Select one of the following announcement types:

  • Banner - Displays the notification as a banner on every page until the end user dismisses it.

  • Full Page - Displays the notification as a "full page" acknowledgment (see list of URLS below that are not affected).

  • Dialog - Displays the notification as a dialog.

  • Flag - Displays the notification as a popup that appears in the top right hand corner of the screen until the user dismisses it.


Full Page is not available for announcements created by Space (Confluence) or Project (Jira and Bitbucket Server) administrators.

Announcement Icon

Select one of the following to display the respective icon next to the announcement title:

  • Error

  • Information

  • Success

  • Warning


For a Banner and Flag notification types, the border colors and icons change based on the icon selected from this list of options.

Accept Button Text

Enter the text for the accept button. If this field is left blank, the default text Dismiss is used.

Enable the button after 5 seconds

Select this checkbox and the Dismiss button is activated after 5 seconds, ensuring the user has the opportunity to read the announcement before dismissing it.

Should the accept button be shown

This applies to Banner and Flag announcement types only and indicates whether the Accept button should appear or not.


Use the dropdown to select the desired format (HTML, Markdown, Plain Text) and then enter the body of the announcement.

Filtering Options

Show for anonymous users

Select to display the announcement to anonymous users.

Show announcement upon every login 

Select to display the announcement to the user upon every login.


Once you select this option, Show announcement for new users only is disabled for selection.

Show announcement for new users only

(Confluence and Jira only)

Select to display the announcement to newly added Jira or Confluence users.


Once you select this option, Show announcement upon every login is disabled for selection.

Filter for specific space(s)

(Confluence only) 

If you want to target a specific space, select this checkbox and then select the space to be used. To select multiple spaces, hold down Shift and then click each space.

Filter for specific space category(s)

(Confluence only) 

If you want to target a specific space category, select this checkbox and then select the space category to be used. To select multiple space categories, hold down Shift and then click each space category.

Filter for specific project category(s)

(Jira only)

If you want to target a specific project category, select this checkbox and then select the project category to be used. To select multiple project categories, hold down Shift and then click each space category.

Filter for specific project(s)

(Jira and Bitbucket only)

If you want to target a specific project, select this checkbox and then select the project to be used. To select multiple projects, hold down Shift and then click each project.

  • For Jira: Only the projects that the current user has 'Browse' or 'Administer' permission for, are displayed.

  • When you select both Filter for specific project category(s) and Filter for specific project(s), an OR logical operator is applied on these options to display the announcement to respective users.

Filter for specific Project Role

(Jira only)

If you want to target a specific project role, select this checkbox and then select the project role that should be used. To select multiple roles, hold down Shift and then click each role. Only the project roles for the selected project are displayed. 

This option is displayed only after selecting a project in the Filter for specific project(s) option.

Filter for specific group(s)

If you want to target a specific group, select this checkbox and then select the group that should be used. To select multiple groups, hold down Shift and then click each group. 

Scheduling Options

Enable date and time restrictions on announcement

Select to set a specific date and time range between which you want to display the announcement. Once this checkbox is selected, additional controls From and To are displayed where you can select the start date and end date with respective timings.


The date and time settings displayed here are in sync with server settings where Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket are hosted.

Enable custom recurrence

Use this toggle to repeat displaying an announcement at regular intervals. To do so, select one of the following options:

  • Repeat announcement daily for - Select a number for the number of days you want to repeat displaying the announcement. Also, select between daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.  

  • Repeat announcement - Select an option to repeat the announcement weekly, monthly or on the last day of the month. Also, mention the specific day in a week on which the announcement is displayed.


  • Cancel


  •  to discard your changes.

  • Preview


  •  to preview the announcement in a new tab.

  • Save


  •  to save the changes made to the announcement.

  • Jira handles the targeted projects differently than Bitbucket handles Bitbucket projects and Confluence handles a space. A project is considered active in Jira if it is the last project the user visited.

  • When editing Target groups, the person who edits the announcement, views only those groups to which the user directly belongs to.

  • As a web browser session is used, it is possible for an anonymous user to view the same item repeatedly. The repetition is removed if the user logs in.

  • An administrator can configure and target announcements to specific users in read-only mode.



Minimizing Performance Impact

If a large number of Filtered Spaces or Projects announcements are created for Spaces or Projects that are not visited often, there can be some performance issues. 

The same performance issue can be encountered if many time-restricted announcements are utilized, which causes the token cache to be continuously flushed.

If such performance issues occur, it is recommended to convert to global fixed announcements.


For any given announcement,


click Report (blue star) to display an


acceptance report. This report shows who


have accepted the announcement and who


haven’t accepted it. Dwell


Тime (in seconds


) showing how long an announcement was displayed before the user dismissed it


is also displayed as a summary across all users and on a per-user basis.




the Users section,


  • Filter users - Use this to filter users based on the following criteria and click Filter to view the respective results:
    • User name: Start typing a username into the first text field, or
    • Select All to show all users in the report or Accepted to only show users who have accepted the announcement, or 
    • Select the number is users you want to see in a page from the number options available in the drop-down.
      Click Reset to reset the filter criteria.
  • Hover over the User Name link to view the user profile details of the respective user. 

You can also use Export to CSV button on the top right corner to export the report to a CSV file.


you will find a list of users who acceptedthe announcement. Here, you can:

  • Filter users by typing a username in the first text field.

  • Choose the number of users per page from the drop-down menu options.

  • Reset the filter by clicking Reset to return to the default criteria.

  • View user profile details by hovering over a username link.

  • Export to CSV by clicking the button in the top right corner.


CSV export considerations

When the user count in this report is:

  • Less than or equal to 2000


  • : The CSV file is downloaded directly to your browser.

  • More than 2000


  • : The button is disabled, and an info message is displayed


  • at the top of the page


  • , indicating that the download is in progress. Once the export is complete, an email is sent to the user performing the export with the storage details of the CSV file on their system.

Announcer Global Configuration



Configuration from the sidebar to view the 


Announcer Global Configuration page where you can configure all the global parameters of all the announcements.


The following table explains all options


you can configure on the Announcer Global Configuration and their default values:




Default value

Usage Analytics Settings

Help Us Improve the Product


When enabled, it allows us to collect some usage data that will help us improve the product. To learn more about what is being sent, refer to Analytics Information.


 This configuration can also be turned off if you do not wish to share the information.


(tick) Enabled

Notification Settings

Dialog Height

This allows you to change the default dialog height of Dialog announcements.


Delegation Settings

Allow project administrators to create announcements

Allows Space Administrators and Project Administrators to create their own announcements.


(error) Disabled

Bypass Full Page Announcements

Enter the following in the respective text fields:

  • regular expression which, when applied, will 'skip' the verification of interstitial announcements. To maintain normal behavior, leave this field blank.
    When this field is blank, the regular expression used is ^Jakarta Commons-HttpClient.+ (this allows the Application Links to pass through).


    For additional information on regular expressions, you may want to visit or the Regular Expression Test Page.

  • One or more URIs where a full page announcement is not displayed. Use the '|' symbol


  • to separate multiple URIs.



HTML Settings

Add/Remove tags and attributes for styling the announcements

Allows you to configure global HTML tags and attributes. 

Usage details:
If you would like to whitelist the following html h1 tag and its attributes ('style' in this case)


<h1 style="background-color:red"> some header text </h1>

Add the following to HTML Settings

  1. add h1 to tags (comma separated if there are other tags already added)

  2. define "h1.attributes" key and value would be "style"

    tags = h1
    h1.attributes = style

Refer to the image

Remind Me Later Settings

Enable Remind Me Later

Enable this option to remind the user of the announcement after a pre-set period of time. Disabling this option displays the announcement until the user selects Dismiss.


(error) Disabled.

Remind Me Later Text

Allows you to add the reminder link text that informs the purpose to the user.


Mute period

Specifies the amount of time (in minutes) for which you can mute the announcement.


Explanation text

Allows you to add the hover dialog text that helps the user understand the announcement in detail.

Refer to the image Integrations



... integrations from the sidebar to open the Integration page. The integration with Statuspage ensures that important information about critical systems and/or any incident updates is displayed across Confluence, Jira or Bitbucket. A list of all announcements, enabled or disabled, is displayed in this page. Before you establish a connection with Statuspage, you see:



You must first establish a connection with your Statuspage instance. If not, actions associated with Add a Statuspage Integration now are ignored.

Click the Cog (Image Modified) menu on the top-right corner, to connect to a Statuspage instance. 


All the options here are mandatory. The options that can be configured are:



Base URL



the Statuspage URL here. This URL is used to connect to


your Statuspage instance. API Token



the Statuspage API token. To get this token:

  1. Login to with your credentials.

  2. Click your profile in the left sidebar.

  3. Click API info.

  4. Copy Your API user key (click the 


  1. Copy Image Added icon). Paste that value in this field.

Polling Frequency

Specify the time in minutes. This value specifies how frequently the application must communicate


with Statuspage to get the latest updates.

Statuspage Link Prefix

Enter the text to be used to link the announcement with


the Statuspage incident page. After this text, a link to the


specific Statuspage incident is included. Clicking this link opens


the Statuspage incident page in the browser.

Click Save to save the announcement or Cancel, if you do not wish to proceed. 

After providing the connection details, click Add a Statuspage Integration now to create an announcement integrated with the configured Statuspage page.


The options that can be configured are:





Announcement Configuration


Select to receive incident updates from the


specified Statuspage instance.



Enter a relevant name for


the Statuspage announcement. Your Jira Administrator can refer to the integration with this name.



Enter a descriptive text for the announcement that is not visible to users.


Announcement Type

Select one of the following:

  • Banner - Displays the notification as a banner on every page until the end user dismisses it.

  • Full Page - Displays the notification as a "full page" acknowledgment (see list of URLS below that are not affected).

  • Dialog - Displays the notification as a dialog.

  • Flag - Displays the notification as a popup that appears in the top right hand corner of the screen until the user dismisses it.


Full Page is not available for announcements created by Space (Confluence) or Project (Jira and Bitbucket Server) administrators.


Notification Icon

Choose this if you'd like an icon displayed next to the announcement title. Available icons are:

  • Error

  • Information

  • Success

  • Warning



Banner and Flag notification types, the border colors and icons change based on the icon selected from this list of options.


Filter for specific project(s)

(Jira and Bitbucket only)


 If you want to target a specific project, select this checkbox and then select the project that should be used. To select multiple projects, hold down Shift and then click each project. For Jira: Only the projects that the current user has 'Browse' or 'Administer' permission for, are shown.


Filter for specific groups(s)

If you want to target a specific group, select this checkbox and then select the group that should be used. To select multiple groups, hold down Shift and then click each group.

No Configuration page

Select a page from the drop-down list. This list is populated with the pages available on


your Statuspage instance.



By default, all statuses available


in Statuspage are displayed here. Click X to remove unwanted statuses from the box.


Announcement EOL 

Select the time till which the announcement is valid. This value is referred to as the End of Life (EOL) of the announcement.


 This specified time (in minutes, hours, or days) disables the announcements after the latest update


from Statuspage is received. At the same time, the Acceptance Report counts for the announcement are also reset.


We recommend the Announcement EOL value to be 15 mins.


Click Create to create the announcement or Cancel, if you do not want to proceed. Once a Statuspage announcement is created, you see it listed in the Integration page. 


To create announcements for other Statuspage pages, click Configure a Statuspage announcement. You can integrate with multiple Statuspage pages, as required.

Active incidents


Click ANNOUNCER FOR JIRA/CONFLUENCE/BITBUCKET> Active incidents from the sidebar to open the Incidents page. All active Statuspage announcements are displayed here.

If there are no active incidents, the Incidents page shows:


After the configurations are made and the Announcer Series begins to receive incident updates, the Incidents page displays details such as, when the incident occurred, and, when the incident was last updated as shown:


Click the


Edit Image Modified


icon to view the incident history details. You can turn off notifications if you do not want to receive any more updates.


Bitbucket-specific functionality

If you're using Atlassian Bitbucket, a list of a user's outstanding announcements is shown whenever a user does a Git pull/push (and there are changes to be applied).

URLs that are not affected

The Announcer app will intercept all page requests with the exception of the following paths:






REST URLs are not blocked



The Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) is not blocked

Need to circumvent the Cookie check?

The Interstitial announcements are cookie-based and every once in a while you might want to make requests that don't get intercepted. You can use either of the following means to do this:

  • Set the User-Agent in the Global Configuration (see above).

  • Set the User-Agent on your request.


Make sure to add in a "X-WITTIFIED-NO-CHECK" header, such as:

Code Block
curl -H "X-WITTIFIED-NO-CHECK: ignore"

Confluence and Jira Data Center

Any enabling/disabling/new Interstitial announcements might take up to one minute to be active across all nodes.

Slack deep link support

Starting in version 2.7, announcements can be configured to open the Slack desktop client with the help of Slack deep linking.

Below are the examples showing how to configure it:

  • To open the Slack desktop client

    Code Block
    <a href="slack://open">Open Slack</a>
  • To open the Slack desktop client for a specific team 

    Code Block
    <a href="slack://open?team={TEAM_ID}">Open Slack</a>
  • To open the Slack desktop client for a specific team and channel 

    Code Block
    <a href="slack://channel?team={Team_ID}&id={CHANNEL_ID}">Chat with us on Marketing channel</a>

    Click this link to learn how to find Slack team and channel ids.