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  • Your Microsoft Teams user account must be connected to Jira.

  • You can create Jira tickets in multiple ways from Microsoft Teams.

Table of Contents

Example use cases

  • Create tickets via direct message with the Jira Integration+ bot.

  • Create tickets from Teams messages that include attachments.

  • Create tickets by mentioning the Jira Integration+ bot.

  • Create issues from the Teams task launcher.

  • Create tickets via the "Create" button on Teams Jira board and list views in tabs.


    Creating Jira Tickets in integration+ for Teams can be done through various methods. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to initiate a Jira ticket using different approaches.

    On this page:

    Table of Contents

    Create tickets via direct message

    1. Navigate to the chat tab of the Jira Integration+ application.

    2. Send the text command create to the bot.

    3. Click the Create button in the response from the application.

    4. Enter your ticket details and click submit.

    Image RemovedImage from Microsoft Teams showing the the create buttonImage Added

    Create tickets from a message with attachments

    1. Add your message and optional attachment into Teams as a new message.

    2. Click the image-20240404-194719.png on the upper right corner of that message.

    3. Select more actions.

    4. Select Create Issue.

    5. Enter your ticket details and click submit.

    image-20240404-195857.pngImage RemovedImage from Microsoft Teams showing message with attachment Image AddedImage showing more actions and create issue options in dropdown Image Modified

    Create tickets by mentioning the Jira Integration+

    1. Mention the Jira Integration+ bot in the teams team chat message box by typing @Jira.

    2. Follow the mention with the command text create.

    3. Enter your ticket details and click submit.

    Image showing create issue option after mentioning Jira in the team chatImage Modified

    Create issues from the task launcher

    1. Click the image-20240404-201732.png under your chat message box from anywhere in Teams.

    2. Select the Jira Integration+ application or search by name if not already in your list or recent apps.

    3. Click the image-20240404-201825.png in the app launcher

    4. Select Create Issue.

    5. Enter your ticket details and click submit.

    image-20240404-202248.pngImage Modified

    Create tickets via


    Create button in the Teams Tab

    1. Navigate to any Teams tab that contains a Jira Integration+ list of board viewviews.

    2. Click the Create Issue button in the top left of the Teams tab.

    3. Enter your ticket details and click submit.
