Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Macro Browser Editor LabelDefaultDescriptionMacro Parameter
Find regex patternsfind

A Enter a comma-separated list of regex patterns to post-process the output for Markdown content with find and replace logic.

Example: (href=)(/display)


A Enter a comma-separated list corresponding to find patterns via index position in the list. These are single quote entries containing a comma.

Example: $1$base_url$2

Allow HTML tagsfalseallowHtmlMarkdown macro allows embedded Select this option to allow HTML tags . As this is a potential security exposure, the in the macro body. The option is deselected by default. The Confluence administrator must explicitly authorize users or groups using CMSP. allowHtml
Hard wrap newlinestruehardwrap

Determines how newlines are treatedSelect this option to display content on separate lines. This is a GitHub Flavored Markdown extension that defaults to being selectedand is selected by default.

TextHard wrap (selected)Soft wrap (Hard wrap not selected)

No Format
Roses are red
Violets are blue

No Format
Roses are red
Violets are blue

No Format
Roses are red Violets are blue

Table class@defaulttableClassTable

Specify the table class (CSS)


to apply to


render tables.

  • @default - Apply the default Confluence table class to rendered tables.
  • @none - Do not apply any style
  • to rendered tables.

Currently, Confluence Cloud does not support the use of custom

, that is,

user-defined styles.
