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Using the Create Sub-task workflow post function will allow you to create one or more Issues when the post function is processed after a workflow transition step. We've streamlined the configuration of this post function by grouping all configuration settings into two steps:

Step 1 - Issue Fields

This configuration screen allows you to define the contents of one or more fields when an issue is created by this post function. Substitution Variables can then be used to populate fields. Issue Fields have been grouped into 4 common categories:

  1. Basic Fields - includes fields which are most commonly used when creating a new Issue in Jira.
  2. Detailed Fields - includes details associated with the Issue, people involved, dates, along with Issue links.
  3. Comments & Attachments - how you want to handle comments and specifics associated with attachments.
  4. Custom Fields - controls whether to copy custom fields and allows you to define values for new custom fields.

Step 2 - Optional Rules

This configuration screen allows you to define the conditions under which you will create the Issue. The screen also provides additional configuration options, such as JQL input, the acting user, etc.


In this scenario, we will introduce a new Create Issue workflow post function to a transition step within an existing workflow.



Use Case

Several teams use the ePub workflow to coordinate an eBook creation process. When an eBook transitions from Open to Draft, a new sub-task needs to be created in the backlog of an “IT Services (IS)” project so the IT team’s manager can begin to forecast and assign resources.
Check out the below step-by-step instructions on how to automate sub-task creation based on the above scenario


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Isolate the Workflow Transitions (


ID) for new Create


Sub-task Post Function

Logged into Jira as a workflow administrator:

  1. Navigate

  1. to Project Settings → Workflows.

  • Under the Actions navigation, click on Edit.
  • Using the editor in "text" mode, click on
    1. Click the respective Edit link of the required Scheme, in the Actions column.

    2. Click the link name of the Transitions (

    1. ID)

    that you will introduce
    a Create Issue Post function against.

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    1. for which you want to add a Create Sub-task post function.

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    Add Post Function

    1. Select the Post Functions tab.

    2. Click

    1. the

    1. Add post function

    " like (right-hand side of dialog). 
    1. link.

    2. Select the

    "Create Issue" radio button
    1. Create Sub-task post function.

    2. Click the

    1. Add

    1. button listed

    1. below the options.

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    Define Issue Fields

    1. Select the

    1. Basic Fields

    " section
    1. tab:

      1. Retain the default Summary as "%parent_summary%", so we inherit the same summary

      1. as the parent issue.

    Set the Description field to
      1. Enter "FYI - ePub sub-task workflow initiated"

    Navigate to the "Detailed Fields" section:

    Under Details: 
    Set the Issue Type to "New-Sub-Task"  
      1. in the Description field.

    1. Select the Detailed Fields tab:

      Within the details: Select "Sub-task" as Issue type

      1. Under People:

    Keep the Reporter as
        1. Select "Current user"

    Keep the Assignee as
        1. as Reporter.

        2. Select "Parent issue's assignee" as Assignee.

    1. Select the Links tab:

    Set the Create links value to

      1. Select "Parent issue key"

      1. as the Create link

    type value to
      1.  value.

      2. Select "relates"

      1. as the Create link

    direction to
      1. type value.

      2. Select "Issue key to new issue" as Create link direction.

    1. Click

    1. the

    1. Add

    1. button at the bottom of the screen.

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    View configuration

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    Publish and Validate Post Function

    1. Click

    1. the

    1. Publish Draft

    1. button to publish changes to your workflow and activate

    1. the Create

    1. Sub-task post function.

    1.  Backing up your workflow ahead of publishing is always a good idea. However, in this case

    we will
    1. , simply publish without a backup.

    2. Navigate to your

    1. project in Jira.

    1. In

    1. this case,

    we will
    1. navigate to the ePub project.

    2. Create a new

    1. issue and then transition to the step where your new Create Sub-task post

    1. function is configured. In

    1. this case, this is the In Draft step.

    2. Search for new

    1. sub-tasks within your project.

    1. You should see the new

    1. sub-task automatically created with the values you defined in the previous step.

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    Explore Configuration Settings

    Now that you've learned about the Create Issue post function and have seen a working example, it's time we explore the configuration settings in greater detail.


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