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The space settings document control dashboard displays all the workflows available in the current space. In space tools Document Control Dashboard a space the dashboard. A space admin can select a workflow for the space - the space workflow - using the Manage Workflows option and enable it using a slider to apply the workflow to all the choose a single workflow and make it active on all pages and blog posts in the current space.

Choose Space Settings> App links> Comala Document Control to To open the space document control dashboard and configure the space workflow.


For the added space workflow a space admin can configure the workflow to

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An option to Set Parameters is only displayed if the current space workflow is the Content Expiry Workflow or the Quality Management System Workflow.

The Document Control dashboard also includes utilities to

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  • choose Space settings>App links> Comala Document Control



All the workflow templates included with the app are displayed in the dashboard. If none of these workflows are active in this dashboard, all these workflows are available to be added at page-level to an individual page.

Space Document Control dashboard

In the Confluence sidebar

  • choose Space settings in the Confluence sidebar


  • in App links select the Comala Document Control option to open the space workflow configuration


The Document Control dashboard displays the current workflow for the space and the Settings and Utilities options.


  • document control dashboard


By default, the document control dashboard displays all the workflows installed with the app. None are initially active.


The Settings option and some Utilities options are only displayed when the space workflow is enabled.

Enabling the space workflow will apply one of these space workflows applies the workflow to all the pages and blog posts in the space.

  • click the grey slider next to a workflow name to make the workflow active



The slider button moves to the right and turns blue and the workflow is added and applied to all the pages in the space. The Initialize States icon is displayed in the Actions options for the active workflow.

This active space workflow overrides any documents in the space with a workflow previously applied at the page level individually to the page or blog post.

View workflow information

A space administrator can view information for each of these workflows using the View detail iconoption.



  • choose View detail


The dialog box displays the workflow description and visual flow diagram.


The workflow does not need to be enabled to view the details.

Active workflow in the space

Within the space settings of a given space, you can select from three available workflows to apply to all the space :pages and blog posts.


Check this page to get more information about these workflows.

A single workflow can be added to the space settings Document Control workflows dashboard.


Once added to the dashboard you can choose to enable or disable the application of the workflow across the space content.

  • a workflow is added as inactive

  • moving the tick slider on (green) or off (grey) will enable or deactivate the current workflow


When the selected workflow is enabled it is Click the grey slider next to a workflow name to make the workflow active in the space.


The selected active workflow

  • is added and applied on every page and blog post in the space

The workflow and its application can be configured using the

  • Settings - Remove Restrictions

  • Clear Document Activity option enabled in the


  • ellipsis menu

  • Initialize States icon displayed in the Actions options

  • Parameters lozenge displayed for the workflow to set the workflow parameter values used by the workflow in the space

To select a different workflow, simply click the Manage Workflows button.

Choose the workflow you would like to add to the space Document Control dashboard from the Add workflow picker.


Choose Apply to replace the current space workflow with the workflow chosen in the workflow picker.

Set Parameters

If the current workflow includes a workflow parameter, a choose the grey slider to make the new workflow active.


Enabling a different workflow automatically disables the currently enabled workflow. Only one space workflow can be active in a space at any one time.

Set Parameters

The Content Expiry Workflow and Quality Management System Workflow include one or more workflow parameters defined in the workflow.

The space admin can set the value for the workflow parameter(s) for the currently active workflow using the Set Parameters button.


The displayed parameters are


@Parameters lozenge. This value is used by the workflow for example, when applying the workflow.

If set in the space, this value is used by the workflow. The default value set in the workflow template is not used.

The Content Expiry Workflow includes a workflow parameter. The value is used to set the due date for the Approved state.


Choose the @Parameters lozenge to open the Parameters dialog box and edit the Expiration parameter value for the space


The default value for the value of the Expiration parameter is a period of 5 months

The Quality Management System Workflow includes two workflow parameters.

The values of these workflow parameters are used to assign reviewers to approvals.

  • make the workflow active

  • choose the @Parameters lozenge to open the Parameters dialog box

  • edit the Document User Reviewers and Document Group Reviewers parameters if the bundled Quality Management System Workflow is the active workflow


  • workflow parameter values for space


There is no default value for these parameters. These values are populated using the users and groups in your instance.

A parameter value is used when a workflow event retrieves the parameter value. For example, when the space workflow is active in the space and a new page is created.

Changing the a parameter value in the dashboard for the workflow does not automatically update the value on in the content until an applied workflow until a related workflow event occurs in the workflow on the content that checks the parameter value and retrieves any on the page or blog post. The workflow event causes the workflow to retrieve the updated value.



- Remove restrictions


When content transitions to the


final state, the workflow can be


configured to remove all page-level view and edit restrictions for all users and groups.


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The Clear Document Activity option is only displayed when the space workflow is enabled.

Remove restrictions option is only displayed if the space workflow is enabled



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Reindex Workflows

The option Reindex workflows of imported spaces should be used whenever a space is imported from another cloud space or cloud site.


As this action cannot be undone, so be careful before choosing the Ok, reindex Workflows button in the confirmation dialog box.


If the reindex is not undertaken after an import has been completed, Comala Document Control workflows may not work on the added pages and workflow history may display document states as 'not initialized'.


If the space workflow is disabled, the Reindex workflows of imported spaces option is the only utility displayed.

Initialize states

A space admin can choose to initialize the workflow state for the active space workflow applied to the content in the space.

Choose one of the workflow states from the dropdown menu to set the space workflow to a specific state in the currently active space workflow.


When a workflow is first applied, and before any action has occurred (such as a transition) the applied workflow is considered to be “unprocessed”. It is these “unprocessed” workflows that will be initialized by default when choosing to Initialize states.

To set all the content in the space to the same state, in the confirmation dialog box check the Override preexisting states checkbox.



Initialize states option is only displayed when the space workflow is enabled

Clear Document Activity

The option CLEAR deletes the workflow document activity for every page and post in the space and resets the workflow state to the initial workflow state of the enabled space workflow.


This action cannot be undone so be careful before choosing the Ok, clear Document Activity button in the confirmation dialog box.


All the included workflows have a final state.

By default, page-level restrictions setting is disabled. Page restrictions are not removed on the workflow transition to the final state.

A workflow must be active in the dashboard to change the Remove restrictions setting.

To enable the removal of page restrictions on transition to the final state

  • move the Remove Restrictions option slider to blue

  • choose Ok, remove restrictions to confirm the change


The setting is retained when the active workflow is changed. The Remove Restrictions setting is for the space.


Remove restrictions slider can only be changed option when a workflow is active in the dashboard.



The utility options allow you to configure the workflow application and the document activity for the content in the space.

When a workflow is active

  • Clear Document Activity utility option is enabled in the dashboard ellipsis menu

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  • the Initialize States icon is displayed in the Actions menu for the active workflow

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